Emoticons - Smileys

How about adding a facility for showing a Smiley to indicate that a comment is intended as a light hearted reply  - ie not intended to be taken too seriously (or cause offence)?

  • That sounds like a good idea. What is funny to one person can be taken as offensive by another.
    Not everyone has the same sense of humour.


    Of all creatures, man is the most detestable, he is the only creature that inflicts pain for sport, knowing it to be pain.
    ~ Mark Twain

  • Hi Elibee

    Yeah i was thinking of that, it may take some work for the tec guys, they do have a lot on their plate what with the gremlins on the site at the moment.


    Hey farmer, farmer, put away the D.D.T now. Give me spots on my apples, but leave me the birds and the bees, please!

  • Personally, I find Emoticons annoying, but this is just me and I'm probably just being grumpy. However, if the majority wanted them then I would go along with it. However, as the servers can't cope with the photos they won't cope with those as well.

    Cheers, Linda.

    See my photos on Flickr

  • Anonymous
    Anonymous 07/03/2010 00:18 in reply to Janet

    I think it would be a good idea to have some Emoticons {big smile}

    (please ..... not the yellow headless hideous ones that I hate that have been mentioned before on this site)

    It is easy to express things face to face and another, and another when it is typed out in a Forum format.

    Words can be misunderstood very easily indeed by people.

    Janet: Yes, the gremlins need to be confronted and caught first though


    Kathy and Dave

  • I'm like you Sparrow with the emoticons, only I don't find them annoying, I find if I read a post that I think is a bit harsh or taken the wrong way, I find a smile adds to it, as being sarcastic. Maybe I'm paronoid, I find the lol's less offensive. LOL.

    There is a sufficiency in the world for man's need but not for man's greed.

  • I think they're a good idea, they allow you to see the spirit in which a comments was said and made.

    It's easy to misunderstand a comment sometimes and offence can be taken when none was meant.

  • Sparrow - most forums do come with an option to "turn off" emoticons/smileys.  I know I've turned them off on forums I've used as some people go wild with them!


    Personally I'm sitting on the fence with this one.  I'd rather have the community working reliably and to be able to see everyone's photos than to see and be able to post smileys.  I can see their use though, sometimes its hard to gain an understanding of a person through how and what they write online.

  • Unknown said:

    Sparrow - most forums do come with an option to "turn off" emoticons/smileys.  I know I've turned them off on forums I've used as some people go wild with them!

    The Forum I use/have used offer emoticons as an option - they aren't forced upon you

     I certainly agree that restoring photos is far more important - though I DO wish they'd sort out the duplicate emails I receive when new messages are posted.

  • Hi Elibee, I'm getting duplicate e.mails too, I never bothered saying anything, I thought it was just me, I'm glad I'm not the only one then.

    There is a sufficiency in the world for man's need but not for man's greed.

  • The following are widely used text versions of smileys.

    :-) smile or :)

    :P smile with tongue poking out.

    :D smile with big grin

    :O shocked smiley.

    Hope you find these useful, sorry if i am teaching granny as it were :)





    I've learned that I still have a lot to learn...
