Emoticons - Smileys

How about adding a facility for showing a Smiley to indicate that a comment is intended as a light hearted reply  - ie not intended to be taken too seriously (or cause offence)?

  • Can anyone help? Where do you find the free, small, fun smilies that don't have an advert running?

    The other forums I'm on just have them on a side panel, to add as you feel works for you. If the 1 your not looking for isn't there you can then open more of the unusual ones. They are good for expressing how you feel which can at times be hidden.

    Might be handy to have a few available. Downloaded some but the advert comes up + I'm not so keen on that.

    'In every walk with nature one receives far more than he seeks'  John Muir.       

    Excuse wobbily dyslexic spelling!

  • I save them as gif pictures right click  just insert them a such. Take up no space at all and no ads or virus on a gif file

    Of all creatures, man is the most detestable, he is the only creature that inflicts pain for sport, knowing it to be pain.
    ~ Mark Twain

  • Thanks for that. Will show DH see if he can translate + bobs your uncle I will be able to smilie when I fancy!!

    'In every walk with nature one receives far more than he seeks'  John Muir.       

    Excuse wobbily dyslexic spelling!

  • Interesting discussion - have often thought that some of the arguments on here could be avoided if there were more ways to express what you feel, besides just the words!    :-)    :-)    ;-)  !!

  • bramble67 said:

    The following are widely used text versions of smileys.

    :-) smile or :)

    :P smile with tongue poking out.

    :D smile with big grin

    :O shocked smiley.

    Hope you find these useful, sorry if i am teaching granny as it were :)



    after joining this forum I did wonder where the smileys where... although they can be a little annoying at times.. 

    sometimes a little emoticon at the end of a sentence is all it takes, in my experience with 'smileys' people tend to go a bit overboard at times which can be a little bit annoying >o( 

    Sarah's smileys ftw... I have been employing these naturally anyway on occasion ;)

  • When I first joined, didn't realise no smileys. I copied & pasted a post I had made elsewhere, with smileys, as I was too lazy to type it all out again.
    The smileys came out in the post on here, so it is a possibility if you want to add them. I think it only works with certain sites though.

    Best wishes


  • You see I like these wee head smilies!!   They don't take up much space as they arethe same height as the lettering. They also save folk getting the 'feeling' of the post muddled + add a bit of fun to the community 

    'In every walk with nature one receives far more than he seeks'  John Muir.       

    Excuse wobbily dyslexic spelling!

  • I agree. I love these small ones!

    I appear to have changed my mind since my original post last year. Woman's perogative.

    Cheers, Linda.

    See my photos on Flickr

  • Anonymous
    Anonymous 05/02/2011 00:21 in reply to Sparrow

    Hi Sparrow

    Like you, I like smiles and emoticons but not the large headless ones as they look sinister - cheap and tacky at the same time.

    There are some really nice ones around now, but at what cost I do not know - maybe an enquiry or two will put people in the picture a little more.

    The smaller smilies are so much better.


    Kathy and Dave

    Susan H said:

    I agree. I love these small ones!

    I appear to have changed my mind since my original post last year. Woman's perogative.

  • Anything i post in the way of smilies take no room up, or cause problems with the site at all.I save all mine on photobucket then,copy and paste here.That way,i can pop on something happy, knowing it won't hurt the RSPB at all.It is an excellent way of sharing my  happy thoughts without taking up bandwidth.Posting pics of any kind does cost a lot,takes up far too much room and also slows the site down so i would never post anything that did that. 

    On most sites there are small smilies to express ones feelings but on here i use :0) a lot because it is a well known smilie face as :0( is not ha ha.



    An optimist sees the beauty of the complete rose.A pessimist sees only the thorn .