Emoticons - Smileys

How about adding a facility for showing a Smiley to indicate that a comment is intended as a light hearted reply  - ie not intended to be taken too seriously (or cause offence)?

  • Susan H said:
    However, as the servers can't cope with the photos they won't cope with those as well.

    Hi all

    I agree with Sparrow. It would probably be a good idea to be able to get photos to post to everybody before we try emoticons.

    One step at a time

    Best wishes Chris

    Best wishes Chris

    Click Here to see my photos

  • Please don't ask them for anything else. The system can't cope as it is.

  • bramble67 said:

    The following are widely used text versions of smileys.

    :-) smile or :)

    :P smile with tongue poking out.

    :D smile with big grin

    :O shocked smiley.

    Hope you find these useful, sorry if i am teaching granny as it were :)





    Hi Brambles,

    I think your text smileys are a good in the middle idea :D


  • I wondered if this might be a dicussion worth having, then found this old post, from before I joined. Still wondered if it might be worth chatting about given all that's been going on of late. (shrug)

    There is no way to express oneself on this forum except with words, perhaps being able to change font size, colour, or are folk still happy with ; ) smilies we tend to use. I think that it was Mozziecat, on another thread said v well, that there is no way to asses how others hoped a post to be read + all our post do look the same - little personality.

    Would being able to change the colour of the post be an option folk might like, so if you were cross we could post responce in red - etc. If using emoticons, could limiting the nos. used per post help + if they are on a wee tool bar at the side everyone has the choice whither to use or not.

    I understand that this would change some of the personality of the forum + that I've not been here v long + I really don't want to rock the boat as I like it here but wonder if this might be an option to try + limit some of the upset that has been created. I know that all forums go through this 6monthly squable then things settle down again.

    Ok I'm away out to DS1's harvest thanks giving - he's doing a reading!! V proud beam on Mum's face!! So post away + I will see if I'm brave enough to look in again later!! Lol.

    'In every walk with nature one receives far more than he seeks'  John Muir.       

    Excuse wobbily dyslexic spelling!

  • Personally I like a smiley to show my mood, but hate it when people use rows of them and totally dislike the adds that run with some ( hence the reason I stopped using a certain kind). So come on people lets all have a little  for a change

    Of all creatures, man is the most detestable, he is the only creature that inflicts pain for sport, knowing it to be pain.
    ~ Mark Twain

  • I don't mind what people use. I must admit I really enjoy JudiM's and Sheena's smileys but agree it is better to use our own as the system can be slow at times.

    I think Bramble67 (Sarah) has supplied the best solution at the moment  :-))


    Kind regards Jane.

  • I don't mind the small smileys like you see on Birdforum or WAB but I hate the big garish ones you get from pop-ups saying "Click here for 1 million free smileys - While you're downloading them we'll mine your PC for passwords, bank account details, addresses etc" (only they usually hide the second bit).

    Having said that my preferred priority would be for the RSPB to simply get the current set-up working consistently at better than 1980s acoustic coupled modem speeds.....



    Every day a little more irate about bird of prey persecution, and I have a cat - Got a problem with that?

  • Hi John

    Hi Osprey, no worries about raising this issue as it is part of being on a Forum after all.

    John: So agree with the smaller nicer smileys like the bird Forum, and the similar ones I have encountered elsewhere on my current Forums I am on.   I believe they are good to use and I like to have them in my postings.  The big ones are horrible, and garish to look at, and it is a fact that they eat into the needed server space too.

    Smileys do use a lot of server space, and they cost money too (expect for the garish ones!!)

    The RSPB are a charity after all, and they have limited resources.  So I agree with John that money is needed to resolve the server issues at the moment.


    Kathy and Dave


    JudiM said:

    Personally I like a smiley to show my mood, but hate it when people use rows of them and totally dislike the adds that run with some ( hence the reason I stopped using a certain kind). So come on people lets all have a little   for a change


    I had to laugh at myself when I read back through this thread and saw my own comment about finding smileys annoying. I must have got out of bed on the wrong side that day. Perhaps a smiley might have helped me be less grumpy!

    I'm with Judi on this now - I like a smiley to show my mood but dislike rows and rows of them jumping about to advertise the smiley website.

    Judi - the sun is lovely, where did you get it from?



    Cheers, Linda.

    See my photos on Flickr

  • Unknown said:

    I don't mind the small smileys like you see on Birdforum or WAB but I hate the big garish ones you get from pop-ups saying "Click here for 1 million free smileys - While you're downloading them we'll mine your PC for passwords, bank account details, addresses etc" (only they usually hide the second bit).

    Having said that my preferred priority would be for the RSPB to simply get the current set-up working consistently at better than 1980s acoustic coupled modem speeds.....




    Have to agree on that John B, that's why I ditched them.

    Of all creatures, man is the most detestable, he is the only creature that inflicts pain for sport, knowing it to be pain.
    ~ Mark Twain