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Technical issues: Are any fundamental things still not working?

This thread is for things on the community that don't work. This does not include formatting, so if there are issues with the lay out, colours or fonts please see our 'Requests for new features' thread.   

  • Hi Bob,

    I desperately would like to avoid a "tit for tat" style exchange, so I'll try to be brief and address your points.

    Our priorities:

    Unknown said:
    OK this may not say "Last" but this sentence is in the future tense.

    This is all future tense, as none of the project has been released yet on to our site, this does not infer any priority.

    To address the Community upgrade:

    Unknown said:
    The upgrade took place over a year ago. Functionality requests (at your instigation) were made almost a year ago. Promises to address the architecture were made at the same time.

    The purpose of the installation of the new software was not to address the information architecture (navigation/where posts display/how people find info), it was to allow us to be in a position to do it in future, as part of the whole redevelopment, not in isolation. There was never a promise, nor the time, to solve information architecture with that software upgrade, it was always intended to come later.

    At the time, I said that I was reluctant to create a "requested features list" requested by yourself, as I didn't know when we could/if we could implement them and that I was concerned that this would lead to frustration.

    The future:

    Unknown said:
    Its because the big issues have been neglected that people get so worked up about the little ones. There are lots of ways round bookmarks not working etc, but the architecture is crippling the Community - in my opinion.

    We will seek to address the two things we feel are causing significant problems within the community from a performance perspective in the short term.

    The website redevelopment project will seek to address information architecture across our entire website as part of the longer term project; this will be an incremental and ongoing piece of work which will always look to ensure we're helping people to find what they're looking for quicker.

    So hopefully our priorities in the short term are clear and our intentions for the longer term have also been made clear. I have to end the conversation here for now.



  • Unknown said:


    We have reviewed a number of areas of performance within the Community and have identified some bottlenecks which may cause the community to run slow consistently and at particular times run at almost a snails pace.

    The technical guys are turning this analysis into a set of actionable pieces of work to improve performance. The process of identifying those fixes based on the analysis will happen over the next two weeks.

    I will post an update once that work is complete, further to that, we will then need to carry out some of this maintenance work to improve performance.

    As stated before, the work on creating our new website will consider the information architecture of our community, these performance fixes will not address that.



    Hi Bob,

    The update was made last week. Those two areas are not working properly, because we believe it's down to some performance bottlenecks, which as stated above we're working through.


  • The purpose of this thread was to invite Community members to let us know about any technical issues. Whilst we do appreciate feedback, we have decided to lock this thread as some comments on here are not constructive or helpful for either RSPB staff or other Community members alike. Please may I take this opportunity to remind you all of our terms and conditions - :

    'We appreciate that not everyone shares our views all of the time, and ask you to respect that too - this is a community to share enthusiasm for nature and helping to protect it. Please do not use it to air claims of personal or organisational grievance.'
