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This site has a brand new look, as you will have no doubt noticed by now. Change can be a little daunting at first, but rest assured we are here to help with the transition from old to new. Please use this thread to ask any questions/voice any concerns and will do out utmost to get back to you.

N.B: Please accept our most sincere apologies for the current speed of the site, we are aware of the issue and are looking to resolve this as a priority.


  • What's with the POPUP list of messages, just a few and "See more", then you can only see titles and a user's avatar if they have one but no user name to see who the messages are from.

    That is HORRIBLE and USELESS, there was nothing wrong with the old PM system/list.

  • I am still having problems with notifications - bizarrely, I am just getting them for one thread (and _not_ the one I have been posting most on since the upgrade...)

    Also having problems with the 'closed for maintenance' page coming up intermittently - when I open Internet Explorer (LG forum is one of my homepages) on the desktop, and on iPad (Safari) whenever I click on the 'forum' tab - I have to use my bookmark (which works fine, but sometimes only at 2nd attempt) to get back to the main forum page.

    The site remains a bit slower than is ideal, but better than it was yesterday. I haven't tried posting photos yet, and not sure I'll bother - not prepared to either go through flickr, or manually resize everything beforehand.

  • Whatever else is wrong with new system and there are many, it is the SLOWNESS  which is the worst.

  • I am trying out Avant browser and notice that there is a message at the bottom of the pages which doesn't show up in other browsers, so does it provide a clue?  Trouble is, it's tiny and runs all the way along the bottom so I can't screenshoot all of it, but it goes Waiting for:


    and on and on and on...

    If you click on this version it will be readable:





  • Rachel R said:
    I haven't tried posting photos yet, and not sure I'll bother - not prepared to either go through flickr, or manually resize everything beforehand.

    I haven't had to resize any screenshots, RACHEL, but I appreciate that "real photographers" will have to, probably.

    When I clicked on your post to reply + rich formatting it went ever so fast!  Probably will go slow when I hit Post though.

  • I don't have a problem with resizing or editing my photos, having always done that anyway. What does worry me is that the site seems to be getting more unstable/unpredictable, rather than improving, over time.

  • Help!! - Anyone tell me how to upload a photo. I don't have Flickr account or anything else. When I click on "insert image" box, nothing happens.

    Regards, Jayne

    See my Flickr photos here.

  • For me, the site has almost ground to a halt. I did get in but it took several minutes for the Main community page to load (this is where I always access the site from via a shortcut on desktop). Very off putting.

    Cheers, Linda.

    See my photos on Flickr


    1.4MB uploaded straight from my PC. Very fast. No problems.

    Cheers, Linda.

    See my photos on Flickr

  • I agree with Bob's_retired_now (forgive any error in name) that the font needs changing - the blog looks dreadful - admittedly it could do with more paragraphs.