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This site has a brand new look, as you will have no doubt noticed by now. Change can be a little daunting at first, but rest assured we are here to help with the transition from old to new. Please use this thread to ask any questions/voice any concerns and will do out utmost to get back to you.

N.B: Please accept our most sincere apologies for the current speed of the site, we are aware of the issue and are looking to resolve this as a priority.


  • I still cannot change my Contents Editor back from 'plain text' to 'enhanced' and would appreciate if you could do something about this please Ben. I can choose 'enhanced' from the menu ok but am not able to save my changes.

  • Ben, Thanks for the list.  Please could you add this to your list:  compared to the slowness of the site and the difficulty some are still having loading photos, this is a minor gripe, but...pleeeease re-establish the red dot or star which used to appear in front on each 'latest post' on the Community Home page, giving us a welcome speedy way of glancing down the pages of 'latest posts' to check if we have read any member's latest posts or not!  I do not reply to (or need notification of) most posts (or e-mail reminders either!), but I very much enjoy reading most of the threads.  And being of advancing age, I need a bit of help to mark those I have already read and which I have not, or I am doomed to days of reading posts I have already read!  While I am retired (and you would think have lots of time on my hands--LOL!), I prefer to choose for myself the ways in which I waste my time rather than having the mostly-un-needed Community website's so-called-update choose for me how I waste my day by not flagging posts I have read or have not read!  I realise I may be the only forum-ite whose memory is not what it used to be, and if so, please ignore me, but I'd bet there are a few others out there shouting, 'Here, here!'

    Kind regards, Ann

  • Here here Ann



  • Thanks Ian--nice to have agreement!

    Kind regards, Ann

  • Ann. This has been pointed out before but to add to your plea I agree as do many others.

  • Thanks Mike, Now if they can just speed things up and arrange for an easy way for photos to be added (not that I have any pics to contribute, sadly!), and then get on with the rest of the List!  And us get on with our lives!

    Kind regards, Ann

  • Hi-

    when will the standard everyday workings of the site-  opening your own page, checking recent posts etc get back up to speed-  it's still painfully slow-  takes 15 seconds to open a post.


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  • seymouraves said:


    when will the standard everyday workings of the site-  opening your own page, checking recent posts etc get back up to speed-  it's still painfully slow-  takes 15 seconds to open a post.


    If you look through the posts you will see that Speed is the priority and that is what it is hoped will be dealt with on Saturday.

    This is the relevant part of the post from Ben on Wednesday.

    "The first and most significant step was to tackle the priority issue of performance. We have been working on a group of tasks that could contribute to the impact on performance relating to how the Community application works with the other web applications. We have also agreed to purchase an additional amount of memory for our servers. This memory upgrade has been scheduled for Saturday on our externally hosted web servers. This was the earliest opportunity we could get to do this work."

  • seymouraves said:
    it's still painfully slow-  takes 15 seconds to open a post.

    Lucky you. Only 15 secs? Sometimes I begin to wonder if my 'puter has died.

  • Sparrow, Bob Philpott, ChloeB, Ann - thanks for your comments and your issues will be added to the list of things to try and sort out, do not worry!

    59willow - Yes, any photo uploaded will now have to be 4mb or below. Generally most jpeg files are under this so there should be no problem but if you have a file that is over then it will need to be resized using whatever editing software you have so that it is under, I myself have an easy piece of software where you just click one button saying "Save for Web" - this reduces its size for internet use.

    The reason for this is that when files start getting uploaded over 4mb the site will be begin to slow as the files take longer to load up, also all of these files are stored on an external server that we pay for, the more large files the less space we have.

    seymouraves, aquilareen - the speed issue is our main priority and will hopefully be sorted Saturday as per my previous post fully explaining this

    Mike - Many thanks for your help and support with all of this!

    Kind Regards,
