I am having difficulty in posting hyperlinks.
The main problem seems to be that the link symbol remains greyed out even after entering the rich formatting reply box.
I have tried, after highlighting the link, Control C and V, and Command right click and Edit without success.
Tiger, if you read this, I note your advice but am even further perplexed in that I seemed to have created a live link on the Sparrowhawk thread, albeit that it did not open the intended blog. I understand (i think) your explanation, but generally the set up does not appear to let me insert posh links.
If any Mac users can help, this would be appreciated.
"The road of excess leads to the palace of wisdom" - Wlliam Blake
Once you've typed something, highlight the part you want to hyperlink (word or actual internet address) then the link should become 'live' so to speak! Works for me and I'm using Mac (and Google Chrome).
Test: see my beetle here
"All weeds are flowers, once you get to know them" (Eeyore)
My photos on Flickr
Test - beetle
Hi Marjus,
Thanks for that. Hope you are now well on the way to full recovery and mobility.
Well I'm still not sure how that worked - will have to consider Tiger's and Galatas' notes again on internet addresses and posting.
Thanks again Marjus,
Sorry didn't reply sooner! Only on line during office hours! Lol!
You're most welcome! Pleased that it worked!
Recovery and mobility are very much improved thank you! Better and better every day!
Thanks Alan! :-)