
I have had to change my email address from to and I can't see or find anywhere to chamge my email address.

so now I dont ger any email from RSPB community when I post any thing on the site .


please, please can you help as I really enjoy using the site.


My Flickr. Photos link HERE

  • Agree with Alan.Remove your e-mail add Nick and if it is too late to edit, ask th mods to do it.



    An optimist sees the beauty of the complete rose.A pessimist sees only the thorn .

  • Like Alan & Sheena have said, contact the mods in the morning and explain the reason.


  • Former Contributor
    Former Contributor 27/02/2012 23:17 in reply to wren

    Hi people, I know it's confusing, and believe me, it's not by design, but if you want your community details updated (your login email address - where you receive notifications, etc), then one of the mods can help.  If you want to change the address the RSPB holds to send you other emails (our e-newsletter, HfW e-news, events, emails, etc), then you'll have to get in touch with membership services.

    Where possible the mods will pass your request onto memberships services, and likewise the other way around, but belt and braces and all that.

    We are working on a system to make it more joined up, but obviously these things take time.

    Hope that's useful.