I can't change my signature without getting: "validation error please go back to the previous page and try again"
I have seen someone who has a 3 line signature, so that must be OK, and I have seen people with small image links so they must be OK. But I can't seem to have 3 lines nor add a small image.
Best wishes Chris
Click Here to see my photos
Hi Chris,
Could you try again. We think we've fixed the problem for you. However, as you'll notice I'm afraid your avatar has been lost so you'll need to upload it again. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Got some feedback about our community? Let us know in the Feedback forum.
Unknown said:Could you try again. We think we've fixed the problem for you. However, as you'll notice I'm afraid your avatar has been lost so you'll need to upload it again. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Hello Graham
I managed to get my Avatar back but nothing will persuade my "Best wishes, Chris" Text to go bold. I know other people have bold text in their signature box so it's probably only affecting me and members who have never tried to make their text bold. This is what I have tried so far:
Deleted everything in the box and saved it. Then typed it out again, selected it and clicked Ctrl + B. It changes to bold text and saves changes, but it isn't bold in any of my posts.
Typed it in Word, made it bold then copied and pasted it. Validation error.
Typed it standard in the box, and manually added the HTML codes for bold text that I can find, one at a time. They all come up 'validation error'
How can it be so easy to change it to Italic with no problems, (Ctrl + I) but not change it to bold, (Ctrl +b). It's illogical that it originally changed from bold to standard and that's what irritates me.
I appreciate that this is confusing but bold (and now italics) are stripped out when the signature is displayed. You'll notice there are no buttons for bold and italic on the signature editor, although you can do it if you know the CTRL+B shortcut.
Hi Graham,
Sorry to add to your woes, but I now have the same problem as Woodpecker.
This morning when I logged on, my avatar had gone and my signature had changed from italic to normal font, as if by magic!
I managed to re-load my avatar without a problem but am unable to change my signature back to italic. Like Woodpecker I have tried every which way. I could do it previously, but not now!
Cheers, Linda.
See my photos on Flickr
Woodpecker said: I can't change my signature without getting: "validation error please go back to the previous page and try again" I have seen someone who has a 3 line signature, so that must be OK, and I have seen people with small image links so they must be OK. But I can't seem to have 3 lines nor add a small image.
I think everyone is having problems with the "new improved forum" I changed my sig a couple of days ago at the sixth attempt, so all I can say is keep trying
Regards Mike
Edit -- Also my sig has now gone from italic to normal yet when I go into my profile it is there in italic
Pssst! Nudge nudge Wanna see some pictures Here
Same here, Mike. Nothing works to change it back to italic, so I have deleted it and put a little bird in instead.
Unknown said: I appreciate that this is confusing but bold (and now italics) are stripped out when the signature is displayed. You'll notice there are no buttons for bold and italic on the signature editor, although you can do it if you know the CTRL+B shortcut.
I used the Ctrl + B shortcut, but it won't produce it in bold. It's in bold in my signature box when I go to Edit, but it doesn't work.
Are you now saying that it has been changed so it doesn't work for anyone in Italic or Bold?
Yes. It will show as bold in the signature editor but not on the forum thread. Please see the following post.
Hi Graham
I read your post.
It seems like we have to compromise on many things that we used to have.
I can't see why we can't have a HTML link writing text in different fonts, if we can use links in the box
Above the line I can type in Bold
Best wishes, Chris
Below the line I can't
I have also read your other thread. You said:
We are investigating whether it is possible to prevent the addition of formatting through keyboard shortcuts.
Why do you want to prevent the formatting?
Posts and signatures are difficult to separate and often a signature causes confusion as it can be read as being part of the post. This is the reason many of us changed our signatures to either bold or italics. Are you saying this is never going to be possible, and we will forever stuck with mistakenly reading signatures as part of the post?