I'm new here and not posted before. I just tried to create a post with a photo from my phones gallery but once it got to about 96% uploaded it vanished
I did not click post as I was not sure if the photo would actually appear once published.
Is there some way to preview what a post will look like once published and is there a limit to jpeg size for posting?
Many thanks if someone can advise on this.
Hello and welcome to the forum, from the W Midlands.
I'm not familiar with posting photos from a smartdevice, though I am aware some photos can be in excess of the 5MB limit. Also, it would depend on whether you used to initial text box to upload a photo or rich text formatting. i've never used the initial text box, so I'm not familiar with how that displays once a photo has uploaded.
Usually, you will get a message if the file is too large, so there could be a chance that it had uploaded.
The attached image shows you how to upload using rich text, which is the process i use.
Flickr: Peak Rambler