something deleting comments on some forums

Both tha me and Robbo have had our comments deleted on two Posts and some of Robbos posts that he started  have been deleated aswell. 

Heres one of the posts we commented on that has been deleted


On here I had sent a message as a reply 

And then I sent a reply to the last message later on and Robbo also replied to the last message from this  post. 

Theres also another forum where  Robbos message have been deleated and I sent a message and someone deleated that one aswell. 

is anyone else haveimg this problem apart from me and Robbo 

and if so why do you think it is happening and why do you think is doing it? 

Do you think its a moderator doing it, or do you think it’s something else? 

  • Aye well they must have been up into the wee small hours deleting every trace of him...what a sad person!

    (Pardon the Scottish Accent)

  • Maybe they should delete "Ask an Expert" ...after all is there any? or are we just all keen birders

    (Pardon the Scottish Accent)

  • All the moderators where on here for years and sadly that changed probably more than 5 years+ ago. There’re are reason for that. But the senior moderator who is greatly missed Mrs T (Claire is greatly missed since her retirement. It’s so long since the changes happened. I can’t remember the exact year it all changed. But members like me can remember when this forum started and it was nice being able to post with replies about birdwatching with all the moderators. Those where so much enjoyable days. There where very few problems that any of the moderators had ever to deal with. As I’ve said that all changed now and I sadly I don’t think we’ll go back to those enjoyable days in the forceable future!



  • If RSPB Bailey isnt Staff or a member of the enquires team then who is RSPB Bailey?
    Is he from RSPB?
  • It's just a name Zo

    (Pardon the Scottish Accent)

  • The only way you can see Robbos messages is by looking on email. It won’t take you to his profile or anything but you can see his messages by email. Not that he will be able to send any messages but at least you can still see some of the messages he made before his account got deleted
  • Do you think Robbo might try and make a new account?
  • Zo Clark said:
    After what you said about moderators I don’t think it’s a moderator. Could be a couple of people deleating there accounts and one of them could be a person that is wanting to deleate Robs posts and comments before deleating there acount

    I've deliberately delayed replying to this thread, and the photo below tells my thoughts,

    Except that wee chappie didn't smell......

  • Don’t worry. I wouldn’t of minded that you suspected it even though  I thought  it wasn’t a moderator cause of what you said about moderation. I said I didn’t think it was a Moderator at the time cause of the message you said that people usually get from moderators and that you usually wouldn’t be able to see there messages. But cause I’m not familiar with moderation I wasn’t sure weather it might be or not and things still didn’t quiet add up yet. I didn’t want to say yes I defanatky think it might be a moderator or no I defiantly don’t think it might be a moderator. we could see his messages until they were deleated if in reply to him. or in my case if they were also on the same forum as him aswell even if not in reply to him a few times. When his comments completely disappeared on all the other forums he commented on. And after finding out the person who made the dunnock forum wanted to deleate there account and what Bobs retired Said and what its a dummock and the others said I started to suspect it might be a moderator as well as haveing to do with someome wanting to deleate there account aswell. His account is deleated entirely now. And you can tell cause You can’t find his name in the search box and by a page saying error If you click on his name in email notifications.