Please, please, please will RSPB Mods block these repetitive spammers & remove their rubbish from this Community Forum!

We are all heartily sick & tired of trying to maintain continuity, nigh on impossible with all the spam fracturing the flow ... we are using the correct notification channel ... how difficult can it be to delete unwanted posts?

Please communicate!!!


 2013 photos & vids here

eff37 on Flickr

  • Wendy, it seems from other threads that RSPB are now not responding to communications about spam via twitter which they were before. I think the chances of getting any communication via the forum about this problem are very low indeed. Ian
  • Such a desperate situation ... can't follow suit with cancelling subscription as already didn't renew last year because of how bad things were back then!!!
    Goodbye cruel world!


     2013 photos & vids here

    eff37 on Flickr

  • I think it will be very sad if this Community is allowed to die. There's a hardcore of us that have been on the Forum pretty well from the start and we've got to know and respect each other well over the years albeit though cyberspace. Some of course have met in person. Many good contributors have drifted away in recent times which is a great shame. I won't be cancelling my RSPB membership, at least not in the short term, because this would be penalising the front line staff who do such valuable conservation work.
    If the forum is closed down I suspect it will be after the end of the Osprey season because otherwise there would be the most enormous outcry.



    My Flickr Photostream 

  • Same here I joined just after the start of this forum was launched and I can remember the Mods would reply every day and even into the evening 7 days a week, even when they were officialy off duty. The Mods would even reply to queries by anyone on this forum and then get the information for any queries from higher up at the RSPB. But sadly the Mods posting on the RSPB Forums have got less and less over the years. And i know there are very good reasons for why that has happened, of which I won’t talk about here. But maybe the closure of this Forum might be going to happen and I feel very very sad about that.



  • Slammer the spammer. LOL What I don't understand is why they would even bother posting their "services" on a forum like this or is just some random automated attack.



    My Flickr Photostream 

  • I'm going to email a senior member of staff at the RSPB who is one of the senior directors at the RSPB, as I’ve luckily got his direct works email address at the RSPB Headquarters The Lodge.



  • I’ve emailed one of the RSPB Directors. If you want to know who this director is. You can PM me and send me a friends request.



  • Yay!

    I was just going to post that Mike, has tried all his contacts, and was waiting on a media chap getting back.

    So whether a consorted effort by us all eventually paid off, we will never know, NOW let us all keep everything crossed that they dont start re posting.

    THANKS to whoever
  • That’s good. I’ve actually emailed Martin Harper the conservation director, to see if he could contact any of the digital staff. I have emailed Mike Clarke the Executive Director before and had a reply from him. But with the changeover of Executive directors happening soon, I didn’t know what the present situation was with contacting the executive director.



  • Hopefully I might get a reply from Martin Harper.

