hedgehog rescue

A friend yesterday was working in Walsall, he was distressed to see a large hedgehog in the middle of a large car park. He rang the RSPCA who were not interested in helping. He then rang me as I have in the past raised hogs. I said I would try to help in but he was unable to return home for some hours, so at my suggestion he put it in a deep sided cardboard box with water. He said it immediately drank the water and seemed to be breathing better.He then rang the West Midlands hog rescue at walsall, there was no answer to two phone numbers, he then rang Snuffles at Sutton Coldfield who would not take it even though he said he would take it there. They said they were full up! Given the state of pour hog population I think that is dreadful. Luckily there seems to be a happy ending, when he returned after work the box was on it's side and the hog gone. He had hidden it in undergrowth beneath trees so we hope it had gone off on it's own. I just wanted you all to know about these places refusing to help.

isn't wild wonderful

  • Such a shame that this happened, if the places were full, then yes I could understand, but advice I am sure could have been given, especially as you say, that they are in such decline. Hopefully the hoggie needed just a good drink and a rest out of the sun and will be okay.

    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.