More problems uploading photos

I noticed that Noisette couldn't upload photos.

I've tried and get the same error message even with the tiniest file.

I'd upload the screenshot but I can't. Please MrsT or one of the other Mods crack the whip with the web team. This is getting beyond a joke.



My Flickr Photostream 

  • It's all very weird, I give up. I'm going out to eat worms.



    My Flickr Photostream 

  • I cannot say Wendy, I am just not technically minded enough to even fathom an idea! I am on Chrome here and just checked it on my phone and it works on that too but it also works on IE too!

  • On Firefox and I can see TJ's Magpie photo.  


    Regards, Hazel 

  • Hi Bob,

    I'm going to address the points you made earlier, hopefully there was just a misunderstanding.

    1. I think communication has improved, we have posted to let you know as soon as we have any new information and at the end of each working day. Also we didn't know how long this process would take so we weren't intentionally withholding information.

    2. I haven't addressed the bookmarking issue because we honestly don't know. We are in the midst of dealing with the first large problem.

    3. the 1MB limit is a suggestion as all pictures can only be shown at 560 pixles wide having bigger files will just slow down the community and not improve the display quality, 'if possible' was to acknowledge that some people may not be able to shrink their image size.

    4. We did mention in both instances that this fix would affect the speed of the community.

    We will post at the end of the day to let everyone know how things stand for the weekend.

    Between our other workloads we are working hard to keep things running on the community and maintain communication.

    We're doing the best we can, and will flag the other issues as soon as possible.



  • Hi all,

    Hope you are all looking forward to the weekend and you manage to get out at some point to enjoy the predicted sunshine, I will be hoping to get out myself tomorrow morning to look for Adders and other reptiles as it looks nice!

    I have just spoken with our IS team who inform me that the upgrade will continue running over the weekend. Basically all files are being moved slowly, there is a backlog and so old pictures are being moved and even new pictures recently uploaded are being moved.

    When files move they can dissappear from the communities and will then reappear when they have successfully moved, new pictures move to, hence why many of them appear when you first upload them and then dissappear the next time you go to look. It is luck of the draw in what order they move and how quickly they will reappear and this is just something that needs to tick over and happen naturally, it will sort itself out when it does and there is no way it can be sped up.

    Tolerate it as best you can!

    I am once again at the Spring Country Fair representing the RSPB and talking wildlife gardening in London on Sunday but will try and check in and Claire will obviously be around and be back in the office Monday (I am back in the office Tuesday).

    Kind Regards,


  • I've just read Mrs T reply to comments about the problems : Quote "I am sorry Bob if you feel we are still not communicating enough with you. Over the last few days or so we have given you an update on any work carried out as well as keeping you all informed on any planned work. We have told you what we can, nothing has been hidden. Yes I do get paid to do my job as does Ben, Maurice and Frankie et al. We have relayed the information to you as it has become available. I have also explained that looking after this site is one of many tasks that we all do throughout the day. I for one have only ever been honest with all of you and I do not know what else I can do. The people who need to know about problems on the site are well aware of the issues and are doing what they can to rectify this situation. I am sure you have read Bens update on Friday.  I can understand that folk feel the current problems are stressful as I feel it too, but I know our technical team are doing all they can. Forgive me, but I will now try and enjoy the rest of my weekend with my family."

    I really think this has all gone too far. I've lived nearly 60 years without a forum & can probably manage a few more weeks. When people talk about stress they should think about poor little children & their families in hospital & in pain. There are so many horrible things going on in the world to get stressed over. The problems on the forum are mildly annoying but no worse.

    So enjoy your weekend Mrs T, I'm sorry that other people have been giving you all grief & I appreciate you're doing all you can. We'll just have to be patient.

    Best wishes

    Hazel in Southwest France

  • Well said Hazel,  I for one have not enjoyed the constant "bickering" and continued airing of discontent in threads and be assured I am equally frustrated about the ongoing technical problems.  After the daily updates, I am more than satisfied the Techs/Mods/Software providers are doing their very best to rectify these issues as soon as is humanly possible (however annoying it is to us all that we can't use the Forum without some problems).  I raised my own concerns in an email and since then I do think we are getting more regular updates with regard to the work, I think venting our disconentment constantly is not helping the situation at all and if anything, it is slowing up the process of the fixes and is also making the forum quite an unhappy place to be at the moment.   I have not been visiting the site as frequently, rather waiting as patiently as I can for the fixes to be complete.  Can we all now accept that the problems are being worked on and we are being given regular updates after our requests for such.  If we drop the constant questions maybe the techs can spend the extra time on resolving the issues instead of having to answer peoples questions all the time.  

    I too hope you have a relaxing sunday Mrs. T. and thanks for your efforts in answering questions.    


    Regards, Hazel 

  • It is mildly irritating when images cannot be seen, but there again, I have just spent an hour in the garden with the BR's, watching them in the water feature, being chased by a BT and just had a delightful moment when Mrs BR came across and perched only a foot above my head while she called to Little BR for some food. She remained there for a few minutes while I talked to her and eventually Little BR showed up and they carried on with their day. I see the forum as a bonus and a means of sharing information and experiences. So there are problems viewing photos online; they will be resolved eventually, so I'm going back outside to spend more quality time with the BR's. I suggest that everyone else does likewise.

    Unicum arbustum haud alit duos erithacos

    (One bush does not shelter two Robins)

    Zenodotus (3rd Century B.C.)


  • Bob you have my support all the way

    And I intend to ring HQ  up on Monday.

    "Birds are, quite simply, little miracles - and as such they require care and consideration."

    Magnus Ullman

    My Flickr account is here

  • Unknown said:
    so please don't try to tell me that that frustration could not have been prevented by clear and informative Communication.

    Perhaps next time it would be better if they came on & said "We don't know how long it will take, we don't know what is wrong & you'll just have to be patient". Instead they have tried to keep us updated on a twice daily basis when there may not have been much information to pass on. They tried to fix it, thought they had & evidently haven't. Nobodys perfect & we are all human. I think that you/we expect too much. Let them get on with their job as best they can.

    The main reason I posted was to let them know that all the posters didn't think like you. To give them a bit of support at a difficult time. You are quite entitled to your opinion as I am to mine.

    Best wishes

    Hazel in Southwest France