More problems uploading photos

I noticed that Noisette couldn't upload photos.

I've tried and get the same error message even with the tiniest file.

I'd upload the screenshot but I can't. Please MrsT or one of the other Mods crack the whip with the web team. This is getting beyond a joke.



My Flickr Photostream 

  • Still not sorted.  I don't have words for how disheartening this is.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Hello everyone,

    I am really sorry everyone is so disheartened and fed up and to be honest I genuinely don't think there is anything that I can say that will change that.

    As of 5.15pm last night when I went home I had no further updates to the problem and left it in the hands of our IS team to try and sort it, I really did not think there was any need to come on and reiterate this but I apologise if you think there was, I had no news so coming on and saying "I have no news" would not really have changed anything.

    My intention was always to come on here first thing today and provide an update if there was one. When I arrived into work this morning, I had 2 e-mails, one from IS saying that they are still struggling to solve the problem and a second e-mail to inform me that the problem has now been passed on to the organisation who host our communities for us to see if they can try and solve it.

    That is exactly where we stand and until I know any more than that I cannot say or do much more. Both the IS and web teams are aware of the problem and are aware of the sense of disappointment here on this thread and through the communities in general.

    Us moderators are happy to keep on trying to moderate as best we can and do not want anyone to be unhappy but we cannot really do or say anymore than this. I have said it before, as a photographer myself I do truly understand the problems with not uploading images and with the forthcoming Osprey season ever close do realise the importance that having a workable photo uploader is.

    Thanks for listening.

    Kind Regards,


  • Hello all,

    We are aware of the problems with the image uploader and are equally frustrated with the elements of the community that don't work. Please be assured, we are taking this very seriously. The problem has been raised with management staff within the RSPB and then to the software provider and we will continue to communicate with them to find a solution to this problem.

    Also there was a problem over the weekend with the website as whole which may have caused problems displaying some pages. This is a separate issue which has now been addressed.

    All relevant personnel are now aware of this problem, so it isn't necessary to contact staff directly on this matter.

    Thank you once again for your patience

  • Ben thank you as always it is left to the Mods.

    So why could the IS team not put out a statement last night ???

    Or do they not Know how to type?

    "Birds are, quite simply, little miracles - and as such they require care and consideration."

    Magnus Ullman

    My Flickr account is here

  • Limpy, the IS team did not put out a statement last night because they had no new news to put out, the same reason I didn't.

    I had an e-mail from them this morning before I had got into work informing me that they had not been able to solve the problem and it was being passed on to the company who provide the community for us to try and figure out.

    The IS team do know how to type and to be honest that comment isn't helpful now is it?

    I am sure everyone involved is doing all they can to fix this but like anything related to IT and computers it takes time to work out what is wrong and then sort it out, it happens in all walks of life not just with computers, things break and they can either be fixed straight away or take a while.

    As soon as I know more I will of course provide an update.

    Kind Regards,


  • Ben it would have been better if they had told the community that they could not fix it in stead off leaving the community guessing.

    So I stand by my remark can they not type.

    "Birds are, quite simply, little miracles - and as such they require care and consideration."

    Magnus Ullman

    My Flickr account is here

  • I've just noticed that Howard Vaughan has managed to post photos in his latest Rainham Marshes blog. Why can he do it and we can't?



    My Flickr Photostream 

  • Limpy, they had no new news to share, it is an ongoing process trying to get this fixed and so the next logical step to to provide an update when they actually have something to update you with. I could provide you with an update every hour saying "nothing to report" but you don't want to hear that, it doesn't change the situation and wastes everyone's time.

    I appreciate that maybe an update last night when we all left work may have been appreciated but my plan was to wait, find out what had gone on and provide that update first thing this morning which I did at 9.30am.

    And as stated I will provide the next update as and when I have one.

  • TeeJay, thanks for bringing this up.

    I have just tried to write a blog and images work absolutely fine in that format, the same images that don't work for me when I try uploading them on a forum post.

    So it must be something to do with the forum part of the communities not the blog part, I am not technically minded to say why this is but if they don't know already I will pass this bit of info onto IS.

    Kind Regards,


  • Hmmm, curiouser and curiouser. Let's hope this gives the IS team a clue as to what's going on.



    My Flickr Photostream