Yet more problems uploading photos.......when will it stop?

The uploading of photos on the community is becoming very off-putting. Why is that, you might ask? Well, first you have to crop every photo before you can think about uploading and then when you go to upload you get errors appearing - sometimes you have to upload the same photo two or three times for it to appear. When you are uploading more than one photo it becomes a real nightmare and it is off-putting - you get to a point where you begin to think 'is it worth it?' or perhaps that is what the RSPB wants - for us to stop uploading photos to the threads. If they do what us to stop they should say so. If they don't they should get their backside in gear and fix the problem (and really sort out a way we can upload more than one photo at a time). If you are all wondering what has prompted this then I will say that I have just watched my wife spend hours posting eighty-three photos on her latest thread - at least half of them took two attempts to post. I have got some photos to post from our visit to Minsmere yesterday but I am now reluctant to share them as I know it will take me a ridiculous length of time to crop them and then post them. At the very least you should consider giving everyone a Good Egg award for having the sheer persistence to post any number of photos. You haven't mentioned what is replacing this yet....can we all assume that you're not going to bother? Nobody has mentioned this subject for a very long time now. Will anything be done? I doubt it. Will we get a response to this thread? I doubt it. I know we are not the only ones having problems posting photos so I think we are owed an answer to this question.

"Birds are, quite simply, little miracles - and as such they require care and consideration."

Magnus Ullman

My Flickr account is here

  • Thanks Mrs T,

    "Birds are, quite simply, little miracles - and as such they require care and consideration."

    Magnus Ullman

    My Flickr account is here

  • I would like to ask a question on here about blue tits I find this site hard work

  • Thanks Bob.

    I see the web-team can't be bother to come on here and talk to us.

    "Birds are, quite simply, little miracles - and as such they require care and consideration."

    Magnus Ullman

    My Flickr account is here

  • Hi guys in all fairness to the web team, we have all been in a meeting all morning, I am sure they will post a response once they get the chance.

  • Limpy, I presume you are keeping the file size of your photos down to a manageable level. Although in theory you can post files up to 4 Mb I've found they upload much more readily if I keep the size down to 1.5 Mb. You don't really need high resolution photos to display perfectly well on here.

    Have you checked the upload speed of your modem? A couple of months ago I was having terrible problems uploading anything at all even when I kept reducing the file size. As you know broadband upload speeds are always lower than download speeds but when I checked mine it had slowed to an absolute crawl. I did a modem reset and it solved the problem. It might be worth checking to make sure you are getting the speeds that your broadband provider promises. Here's a site you can use.

    I don't know whether any of this will help with your problem but it might be worth a try.



    My Flickr Photostream 

  • Hi all,

    Many Thanks for bringing this up and as Claire says I am sure there will be some feedback.

    Bob, if you are referring to me in regards to the moderator who takes "wonderful wildlife pictures" then many thanks for your kind comments, I really appreciate it and glad you like them.

    In terms of why I don't post them on here I must admit it is simply because of habit. I have been using Flickr for 5 years and it is the main place I post my images to. The reason for this is because it acts as my stock library, the images can be blown up large so it displays them well and simply because it is where I first started to post them to. I also have a blog, facebook page and "proper" website so in all in I spend a large amount of time getting my images out there.

    I am yet to fully embrace using the community as another place to share them but keep meaning to start doing this and when I do and build it into my routine then I won't stop. If I am honest my role as a moderator is something I do during the daytime as part of my job here at the RSPB. When I get home and start editing and uploading photographs my first thought isn't to get them onto the communities and then by the time I next log on at work I have no access to them as they are all on my computer at home. For me to start uploading images to here would require me to do so at home so its just a matter of (as I just said) building that into my nightly computer routine which isn't hard to do and just requires me to be that little bit more proactive!

    In no way is my lack of photo uploading on here a reaction to any of the problems that may occur. I have no problem resizing an image for web use, in fact I actually do this regularly to help combat image theft and do not consider resizing as a barrier to uploading. I also don't really see a problem with uploading an image at a time, I admit that a multi image uploader would help in certain circumstances, especially if you are writing a trip report or an account of a day out or if you want to show a sequence of images but personally I tend to upload 1 image a day on Flickr or 1 image per session to not overload people with images so never really bulk upload.

    I do admit 100% that the image uploader on the communities is frustrating when it does not accept an image the 1st, 2nd, 5th, 6th time etc....that is clearly a fault that needs rectifying as it is annoying and could easy put people off uploading!

    So, in summary:

    1. I will try and be more active in posting photos on here in the future

    2. A lack-of multi-image uploader is not the reason I don't post on here but I fully appreciate for those like Limpy's wife who are trying to upload such large numbers of images in one go this can be incredibly frustrating and turn a long process into a much longer one

    3. For images to not upload first time is once again frustrating and this technical fault should really be a priority as and when it can be fixed, unfortunately I cannot answer that.

    I hope this helps, all I can say is that in no way does the RSPB want to discourage photo uploading, that is simply not true but hopefully in the future we can do more to embrace it as in this day and age photography and wildlife images are such a favoured way of sharing with one another!

  • Ben, thank you for your feedback.

    This has been an ongoing problem of uploading photos. Several months ago I did a thread called Getting Your Feet Wet - it took me hours and hours to upload the photos, uploading the same photo two or three times on nearly every photo. They know there is a problem yet still they do nothing about it or even come back to us on it. There are some parts of the RSPB  that seem to care and are willing to help and advise if in any way they can and it seems there are some parts of the RSPB who hope we will give up and go away.

    "Birds are, quite simply, little miracles - and as such they require care and consideration."

    Magnus Ullman

    My Flickr account is here

  • TeeJay many thanks for the tips, I do know it is not my computer or my broadband. But any advice is always welcome.Thank again.

    "Birds are, quite simply, little miracles - and as such they require care and consideration."

    Magnus Ullman

    My Flickr account is here

  • Doggie I know I have to get down below 4MB to upload .

    But it the keep having to keep uploading the same photo two there and some times four to get it to upload with out getting the error warning keep coming up. and also the lack of a multi-image uploader.

    This is why my back is up.

    I have now open a Flickr account one I get my head around that I will up load to that and probably stop loading on here.

    "Birds are, quite simply, little miracles - and as such they require care and consideration."

    Magnus Ullman

    My Flickr account is here