how do we post to the forums ?

i just found the new thread button to create this post but where is it when we 1st login and see the forum ?
  • Hi chained, welcome to the Community from me in Barnsley, South Yorkshire. We've all had issues with the navigation but you get used to it and it doesn't spoil the experience.

    If you click on the Community Home tab you'll see all the latest threads, including this one, and you'll also see the sticky 'Forum Map' which will help you find your way around.

    Look forward to hearing more from you



  • thanks i downloaded the pdf, which is extremely unusual way to understand a forum ! but it did help so thanks. rspb should look at moneysavingexpert forums to see how a good forum is run

  • Hi Bob

    Whilst I am here (I just popped in to read this query), it occurred to me that I have been having trouble posting pics to a thread. I was reading Higgy50's post about Grasshoppers and Crickets, I was about to post a pic that I had, and realised that I couldn't find a 'Button' to allow me attach a photo! I know the old grey matter is letting me down these days, but maybe you can help?  I guess the question is can I add photos to an exiting thread, or, do I have to post them somewhere else and then add a link on the thread to the photos?

    Many thanks


  • Excellent stuff Bob, thank you very much, I shall attempt to add some pics as soon as.



  • very frustrating half an hour trying to find out how to post/ ask a question / start a new thread /... HELP!

  • Don't despair, Neil, I agree it can be a bit bewildering at first but you soon get used to it.

    First of all you need to to find a Forum appropriate to you what you want to post. For example, if you want to post something about wildlife you can click on Wildlife on the bar at the top of the page. Then click on the Forums tab and a list of the Forums will appear. Choose one, and click on the blue button which says New Thread and off you go.

    A couple of years ago I did a Forum Map which shows how the forum is structured. Providing you've got Adobe Reader you can open it from here. The links should be clickable too.

    You might also want to look at the How To thread which tells you how to post photos amongst other things.

    Good luck, if you have any further problems someone will try to help



    My Flickr Photostream 

  • thanks, I see how it works now. Perhaps a ‘how to’ button on the home or Community page would help? neil

  • Unknown said:

    to add photos to a new thread, click the button I have circled in this picture; (ignore the fact that its the Titchwell  March Forum, all new threads look like this) That will alow you to load a picture from your PC( or even a movie clip from youtube) and the picture will be embedded in the thread. If you have more pictures you want to add jujst repeat the process. In the next 3 weeks we should have the facility to load multiple pictures at on go.). There is a 4megabyte per picture limit so you may have to resize or crop your images before posting)

    If you want to post a picture in a thread that you are replying to or extending then you need to click on "use rich formatting" which is under the right hand side of the reply box. That will then show you the same toolbar above the text box as you have in my picture. Thenjust do as you would with a new thread to add picture/pictures/video.



    Larkand warbler I have copied this for you, go into about on the top of your computer, and technical problems
