Anyone else like a Local Patch forum

Hi all,

Just been thinking about this anyone else up for a 'Local Patch' forum where we could describe our usual birding location,  say what we have see and generally comment on local changes affecting our personal birding habits.


Urban Wildlife

Urban Wildlife

I have to grow old but I refuse to grow up !!!

  • I've kept out of this so far but I'll pitch in with my two pence worth.

    I don't think we need yet another forum. There's far too many already in my opinion. If anything we need fewer and a more simple structure. You've only got at look at the Forum Map that I produced a year or so ago to see how complicated it is and it doesn't even show the Groups individually. You can tell people find it confusing by the fact that many people post Wildlife matters in the Tea Rooms which was intended for general chitchat.



    My Flickr Photostream 

  • Hi, Yes I do mean your own personal Local patch not reserves as I too live quite a distance from my nearest reserve. Lot of Interesting comments, thanks to Sue and mod for for the pointer to 'Where to watch Wildlife' I'll look at that.  I also take on board the comments about the number of forums maybe they need regrouping as sub forums with related forums under an 'Owner' forum.  Maybe 'Local Patch' Sub-Forum under 'Where to watch Wildlife' Owner-forum.

    Thanks for all the input

    Urban Wildlife

    I have to grow old but I refuse to grow up !!!

  • I reckon Urban Wildlifes suggestion of sub forums may make things even more complicated,maybe TJ's forum map should be displayed more prominently (though not sure how that could be done) a it does give a clear picture of what around the forum.


    Birding is for everyone no matter how good or bad we are at it,enjoy it while you can

  • Whenever we start a thread about our local patch, which should be in the Where to Watch Wildlife forum, we need to be careful what we use as the title. It really needs to be the name/place/county of the local patch, so anyone living close by can refer back to it, and find it easily after time has passed.

    Cheers, Linda.

    See my photos on Flickr

  • Having an area in the thread title would be a great help I agree with that Sparrow.


    Birding is for everyone no matter how good or bad we are at it,enjoy it while you can

  • Don't forget to use the tags as well, it makes it easier to find (using our search facility) relevant threads to a local area or reserve if the site is included in both the title and the tags.

    Just a quick reminder that we are conducting a full review of our website (including the community) and your feedback will help us define how we take this forward to improve the service, so thanks again for the comments.

    Warden Intern at Otmoor.

  • I'm not clear how these "Local Patch" threads would be used. Is it it the intention to just keep adding to it every time you go out and see something? How would you highlight to others on the forum something special rather than the things we see everyday.

    I'm not against the idea but I'm trying to understand purpose.



    My Flickr Photostream 

  • Unknown said:
    I see it slightly differently. Lots of us are not using RSPB sites as our regular patches, but many of us have places that we go very regularly and post most of our sightings about. In posting about my patch, I am informing the readers with a summary of where it is, what its like in terms of habitat and what I have seen there..................

    I like the idea of being able to learn about none RSPB sites, Bob. My nearest RSPB is an hour from home so I don't visit very often. It's also useful to know if you're passing interesting areas when travelling somewhere else.

    I suggest adding a link to your "My Patch" post in your forum signature like most of us do with our personal photo albums.

    My gallery here

    Checkout the forums' Community HOMEPAGE for lots of interesting posts from other members.

  • I just added a link to this thread in my signature , under heading My Patch.  Works ok in Firefox for me.

    My gallery here

    Checkout the forums' Community HOMEPAGE for lots of interesting posts from other members.

  • Nope , wouldn't let me add another.

    My gallery here

    Checkout the forums' Community HOMEPAGE for lots of interesting posts from other members.