
it would be cool if we could post under individual counties instead of just one general forum



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  • Anonymous
    Anonymous 20/01/2010 04:29 in reply to KatTai

    hi Kat

    Private Messaging is a good thing, but not on the RSPB Forum. It keeps the honesty between members flowing.

    As a rule I find bird lovers one of the most honest types of people to know.  I have never have had trouble with genuine people on any bird/wildlife forum.  I have met a few 'Forum' people in real life, so so that is a good thing too.

    It is the people who come onto the Wildlife Forums who do not care about wildlife, and create problems that are the issue. 

    The trouble is that Wildlife/RSPB Forums can never be free of 'oddball' characters as Forums are open to all members of the public on a website.  You cannot look into someone's background on a open Forum like you can in real life.

    Yes, it is true that a younger membership will be apparent, and they need to be safeguarded from the members who are not all what they seem to be on the Forum.

    I, for one do not want to see the RSPB being the target of any unpleasantness and that is how I feel about it.   The RSPB is a great society, and deserves the respect as a society - simple as that.


    Kathy and Dave

    KatTai said:

    While I agree that private messaging may be an advantage, I can see why the RSPB would not want it here as there is no control over private messaging - they can't see what is being said between members and there is always the risk that a younger member might find themselves talking to an unsavory character where no one can step in, or someone could start sending abusive messages etc.  It wouldn't be very good for the RSPB's publicity (or this community) if that was to happen.  Other forums don't really have anything to lose, they don't have a reputation to keep as they aren't a charitable organisation that could face problems as a result of something like that happening.  I would suspect that due to the RSPB's name, parents could be lulled into a false sense of security here, and right now it is a safe place for all ages to be, add private messaging and it takes that away because no one other than those sending and recieving messages knows their content.

    It is a fine balance between protecting all members and giving members facilities they would like on a forum, but anything private is a risk, a small risk, but still a risk that could damage the RSPB's reputation.


  • Susan H said:

    I love this forum as it is. For me, this is the best forum I have ever been involved with.

    I fail to understand what splitting it into areas would achieve. We all get the same or similar birds in our gardens - this is very evident from some of the recent threads we have had. We all have the same bird related problems wherever we live, and it is brilliant chatting to people from different areas.

    Is this forum in the dark ages? Is a new set up is required to "keep up with the competition in order to retain users". What competition? Are we losing users? I seem to remember we were discussing recently just how many new members were joining.

    If there is a better NATIONAL (and indeed International) bird forum I would like a link for it.

    I believe this forum is getting more successful by the day. There are server problems, but these will be sorted eventually, even if the RSPB has to splash out and find a larger server.

    That's just my humble opinion.

    A humble opinion that I *wholeheartedly* agree with Sparrow!!

    "All weeds are flowers, once you get to know them" (Eeyore)

    My photos on Flickr

  • Anonymous
    Anonymous 21/01/2010 04:05 in reply to Sparrow

    "I fail to understand what splitting it into areas would achieve"

    The reason being people would be able to choose their personal style, everyone has different brain preferances / learning styles. One style canot cater for this. I personally have found the site quite frustrating & difficult to use as I have right brained preferance and because it is not similar to mos other forum structures & layouts. By providing a choice the site can entise & retain users. Only a very small percentage of 'newbies' continue using the site I have noticed, approximately 10% max. This is a shame as you can tell by their questioning that they are genuinely interested in wildlife. The most users I have ever seen online at the same time is 23 in comparison to 100-200 on other sites. Surely this is not worthwhile for the RSPB to maintain (especially being a charity with a more important focus). I'm concerned the forum will be lost if it doesn't improve.

    "There are server problems, but these will be sorted eventually, even if the RSPB has to splash out and find a larger server."

    In a way the forum has to be seen as a business or fundraiser. If we were charged a fee for using the forum maybe this could be the only way to ensure it is kept & maintained in decent order. Everyone seems to be forgetting that the primary aim of the RSPB is to preserve & protect bird species, not to upgrade a server. Why should they upgrade it for a max of 23 users at a time?


    "Is this forum in the dark ages?"

    With the lack of speed, limited ways to import video clips etc and constant technical difficulties, need I say anymore.


    I as of all people on here am concerned about child protection, this is a huge part of my job. However all children & young people are taught in depth across several areas of the curriculum & school focus about internet safety. They need to be trusted more & given the credit for their knowledge. You'd be surprised at how much they know at such a young age.

    I have to say the most dangerous feature of this forum is the ability to edit a post. People are able to post abuse & then delete it, so what else can be deleted, makes you wonder doesn't it.

  • Hi ya Birdmum.  This is the only forum I have been on so I can't really comment on which one or type is best.  My overall opinion of this forum is great.  Yes I do sometimes have problems catching up with old threads and finding my way but  it's not too much trouble once you get the swing of it. According to my old Grandad I was a "wrongen" because I was left handed - is this what you mean about right brained preference.  If so, we're cack handed face it, everything we do is back to front! 

    Before they formed the Community, I would have thought the RSPB would have thought long and hard before they put the forum in situ as to their costs and overheads.  They must know that through time and more members the server will need to be upgraded to cope with the influx.  The RSPB is a national treasure and therefore people will feel more comfortable about being part of the community.  I know I do..  It is still new and teething problems will occur.  All of us on here at this present time are all helping to make the site what it is and how it will become.  If new members are being lost then I think it might be more because many of the members are very much into the every day birding and not the strict twitcher side of things.  Perhaps we are not serious enough for them.   For me though who is not an expert on birds but love to watch them and get great pleasure in watching their antics and lifestyles, I think this forum is excellent for exchanging with likeminded people.   The frontpage of the Community doesn't ask if you have a degree in ornathology and/or can you spot the lesser or greater coverts, it's all about being able to connect with people like me and you.

    The fact that it doesn have a PM or isn't split into certain "sub-communities" makes it much easier I think to use.  If I had to start doing this to do that and then go into something else to do this, then I would give up the will to use the forum completely.

    Sorry I think I'm wranting a bit now but all in all I think the Community does what it says on the tin - it brings likeminded people together. 


  • Anonymous
    Anonymous 21/01/2010 05:15 in reply to Kezmo

    I have been on a few forums, and amongst some very serious birders too.  You know serious birders believe you me, They are a lot more concerned about their subject, and getting along with one another that is what they want to do.  The layout of a forum comes second.

    It is concentrating on the subject, and not the forum layout that seems to be the issue here.

    The RSPB have made their decision how they want the Forum to be laid out, and it is not for anyone else to make decisions to change what was never broken in the first place.  It is up to Admin what they want to do with all due respect to Admin - they make the final  decisions

    To me if I did not like a Forum for whatever reason I would find myself one that would suit my own personal requirements - best way forward. There are lots of website Forums to join up with and they are free to use.  You will met people like yourself everywhere you go.

    I am happy here, and with all my other current wildlife Forums, and I feel I have choosen well for my 'level' of interests and my long term hobbies in life. Bird Watching is my {no 1} hobby and I have been a member of the RSPB for years and years along with my family members and we know what we want in our lives.

    On the RSPB site, the posts are there to be edited and deleted and that is the members progative if they wish to do so - either through a mistake or they changed their mind about something they have typed

    I make a lot of errors due to Cataracts in my eyes and I need the edit facility and I think it is totally unnecessary to remove the facility as someone like myself needs to correct my spelling on a regular basis.

    So now I will be glad when this thread comes to a conclusion and this same conversation does not continue as it is doing - going round and round in circles.

    Let the RSPB be happy and continue that way. {big happy smile}

    Just my own thought on the matter


    Kathy and Dave

    Unknown said:

    Hi ya Birdmum.  This is the only forum I have been on so I can't really comment on which one or type is best.  My overall opinion of this forum is great.  Yes I do sometimes have problems catching up with old threads and finding my way but  it's not too much trouble once you get the swing of it. According to my old Grandad I was a "wrongen" because I was left handed - is this what you mean about right brained preference.  If so, we're cack handed face it, everything we do is back to front! 

    Before they formed the Community, I would have thought the RSPB would have thought long and hard before they put the forum in situ as to their costs and overheads.  They must know that through time and more members the server will need to be upgraded to cope with the influx.  The RSPB is a national treasure and therefore people will feel more comfortable about being part of the community.  I know I do..  It is still new and teething problems will occur.  All of us on here at this present time are all helping to make the site what it is and how it will become.  If new members are being lost then I think it might be more because many of the members are very much into the every day birding and not the strict twitcher side of things.  Perhaps we are not serious enough for them.   For me though who is not an expert on birds but love to watch them and get great pleasure in watching their antics and lifestyles, I think this forum is excellent for exchanging with likeminded people.   The frontpage of the Community doesn't ask if you have a degree in ornathology and/or can you spot the lesser or greater coverts, it's all about being able to connect with people like me and you.

    The fact that it doesn have a PM or isn't split into certain "sub-communities" makes it much easier I think to use.  If I had to start doing this to do that and then go into something else to do this, then I would give up the will to use the forum completely.

    Sorry I think I'm wranting a bit now but all in all I think the Community does what it says on the tin - it brings likeminded people together. 



  • The forum is just one section amongst many on the RSPB website. It was provided by the RSPB for people who love all things about nature to share experiences and ideas to help protect it by encouraging others. One of the statements in the Terms and Conditions is


    “this is a community to share enthusiasm for nature and helping to protect it.”


    I fail to see how private messages or running two types of forum can promote this aim, but I am certain this aim is being met at the moment, and as Kezmo says, it is bringing like-minded people together.


    The forum is new, it will take time to develop, and long may it live!


    PS. I’m a bit of both. I’m cack ’anded at some things, right handed at others, and ambidextrous at others. So where does that put me?

    Cheers, Linda.

    See my photos on Flickr

  • Anonymous
    Anonymous 21/01/2010 05:31 in reply to Sparrow

    Ditto Sparrow - well put {thumbs up}

    I am left handed, and I see not difference in having that.  Right handed in other things etc ...

    Having Cataracts in my one eye is a problem to me, and I just get on with it {smile}

    It is making the best of something you enjoy as a community on the RSPB - BIRDS and wildlife!

    The RSPB Community is running fine as it is and that is how it seen to be to me at the moment.

    1. “this is a community to share enthusiasm for nature and helping to protect it.” EXACTLY!!

    I think this is the only one 'negative' thread I see on this Forum now


    Kathy and Dave


  • Thebirdmum - they are various different types of forum out there and all aren't the same.  People have their preferences but in the end, it is the content of the site that matters not the format.  I'm used to using certain types of forum - and have a dislike for some other types - but if it is a good community it makes no difference.  With most forums, the majority of members are not active.  People join and never post, or join and only browse and read.  It isn't something unique to this forum, it is something that is the case with pretty much all forums.

    Two forums would be a lot of hassel and create a massive split in the community not to mention more time having to be spent on two different software types.

    Teaching children is all very well and good, but children are STILL targetted by unsavory characters and it would be highly damaging to the RSPB if they had a site that was open to this risk.  Children still give out their private details to internet strangers, it is always a risk where messages can be passed privately.

    No forum can cater for everyone because there will always be things that someone doesn't like be it style, colour or whatever.  There is no way to make everyone happy.  Two forums wouldn't make everyone happy, they still wouldn't suit everyone and it isn't possible to keep adding new types to suit everyone.

    The forum is as it is, it is useable, sure it doesn't have the fancy features of some other forums but there is already a good community developing here without it.