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Good egg awards, a new hatch!

Now that the new community site is up and running and we are all finding our feet once more, we thought it was an opportune moment to relaunch the Good Egg award, but with a difference. Taking on board the feedback from earlier in the year, we are now proud to announce that the Good Egg Award will be given to the post of the month as decided by the moderators.

We will be looking out for posts that encourage conversation on conservation issues and foster positivity towards wildlife and nature, and the fight to protect it. We hope this will celebrate the variety of conversational posts and encourage new users to talk about wildlife and nature.  

Anyone registered to the community can receive the good egg post award and it can be awarded to the same user more than once. Moderators look at hundreds of posts everyday so make sure yours sticks out in a positive way.

How do we decide which posts are Good egg posts, well here is the criteria;

  • Writing something that makes everyone smile
  • Answering others questions
  • Generating conversations about conservation
  • Sharing tips on helping wildlife
  • Posting friendly, welcoming and helpful contributions

We will then announce the winner in the Good Egg forum at the end of each month. First time winners will get a good egg pin badge and certificate, these beautiful badges are exclusive to the RSPB Community.

Warden Intern at Otmoor.