Hello folks,

We have been thinking about making some changes to the good egg award. Under the current system, Good Eggs are only recognised once, but we'd like to create a new system to recognise those of you who consistently contribute really good stuff to the Forum.

One of the ideas we've been throwing around is that of a monthly rolling award. If anyone has any thoughts on this or other ideas regarding improvements to the good egg award we would welcome constructive comments.

(on behalf of all of the Moderators)

  • Unknown said:

    good morning everyone

    i dont know if it's just me but i'm afraid i don't look who has a good egg or not when helping me or leaving a comment on one of my posts/threads and to be honest never noticed the stars..i post for fun and information so not into the "status" thing..i think some people are misunderstanding  the "good egg" with expertise.

    Well said doggie, thats how I see it. I am more than happy to leave it to the Mods to carry on as normal.

    Feed The Birds....not the cats!!!!

    I spelling's crap !!


    Must be reading a different thread as i haven't read anything from negative members only those with a different view and i think that is fine.Members who are not happy have a right to put forward their opinions just as you have and i for one respect that.

    Most members who have been awarded the good egg award have indeed been worthy and again already stated.

    Good that it brought some members (that are not regular) out of the wood works though he he.





    An optimist sees the beauty of the complete rose.A pessimist sees only the thorn .

  • When I was awarded the Good Egg last year I was chuffed to bits. I never sought one, nor asked for one, and when it came I was so shocked I had to write back to the Mods to ask if it was true or a joke. Honestly, I did. I was delighted, and felt very honoured.

    However, I do agree it has become outdated and needs looking at, and there should be something in place that allows the Mods to remove the badge if it is no longer deserved. It has become devisive, whatever some people may think and this much is clear from the various recent comments, some of which have served only to make me feel rather uneasy with the label under my name - which I was very proud of. It seems Kezsmum and Ponty feel the same as I do.

    Cheers, Linda.

    See my photos on Flickr

  • Robert F said:
    The real reward for me is the site itself and all the wonderful people that uses it.

    To me, Robert, that is how the site should work.



    "The road of excess leads to the palace of wisdom" - Wlliam Blake

  • ClaireM said:

    The real reward for me is the site itself and all the wonderful people that uses it.

    To me, Robert, that is how the site should work.





  • Think almost all the Good Eggs really well deserved,my only doubts are if a disagreement between ordinary commenter and so called Good Egg the mods seem to think the Good Egg must be in the right which is not necessarily so.Having said that I feel sad that several Good Eggs seem concerned that they have been praised in this way and I think they are nearly all really well deserved so hope they feel proud to have been recognised.Well done.

  • It does seem incredible that some people want to censor sensible discussion. After all the RSPB have asked for our opinions so I dare say that they must be unhappy in some way with the system too.

    If there is to be an award system then it should be over a much longer time scale than a month. The forum is a very variable place and is much busier at some times than others.

    Does an award in December equal an award in June? (or indeed any other pair of months)

    Mind you how do the mods really know what is going on in these forums? Are we to believe that they spend lots of time every day reading posts? Or do they just react to alerts?


  • I think they spend time reading these boards, perhaps if they explain the current selection process.

    I just assumed they notice a particularly helpful set of posts by a set of people and then decide between themselves who gets it ..

    I am not sure I like the idea of having the good egg removed unless there is a good reason for it, ie abusive, racist posts or something. That sounds like an invite to ganging up on people ..

    I mean some Good Eggs have drifted away from the boards, does that make them less worthy, I think not ... they got recognised that's all that mattered.

    I don't think the Good Egg logo under my name is a badge of honour ... again ... it was nice to be recognised unexpectedly. ;o)


    Death - Terry Pratchett (The Last Continent).

  • Anonymous
    Anonymous 18/04/2011 05:02 in reply to Ponty Cyclops

    Apologies folks. I've deleted my comments.


  • Pipit   Nice to see you again. You can probably verify more than anybody just how much damage has been done over the months by sockpuppets and others.

    I find it incredible that we are reduced to not being allowed to express our opinion in case we offend a certain group of people.