NEW: Community Issues

Good morning everyone,

Apologies for the radio silence from myself, I have unfortunately been unwell, however I have been keeping an eye on the upgrade thread.

As promised, I am starting a new thread to take over from the previous one. Hopefully this one behaves itself as it should do and it doesn't cause individuals to be signed out. 

I will work through the previous thread to collate any additional issues that have been raised and aim to come back to you as soon as possible with an update. Please do bear with me.

Thank you - Kylie

  • Much appreciated, I've accepted, Bob

    You should now have a message telling you how I do it. 

    Good luck.

  •  Sorry to bring this up again but I do hope that some thought will be given soon to separating the Osprey threads and other Nest Cam threads from the main page. The season is not yet in full flow but page 1 of the Community Home Page is running at 50% Osprey Threads and they never leave the front page because people are constantly adding to them - and there are extra threads on Page 2. Don't get me wrong, I know that there lots of people that follow every Osprey / Peregrine / BOP Nestcam thread and monitor them continually, but there are also lots of people who only dip into them now and again and prefer a more general view of birdwatching. In past years many of those regulars have taken a sabbatical during "Osprey" season because of this and it would be nice if they didn't have to for another year running. 

  • Hi  - I have noted down your request. I am currently looking at getting the issues highlighted rectified as a priority but once they are complete I will look at how we can better optimise the homepage. Thank you - Kylie

  •  thank you for sharing, will make a note of this issue. Thank you

  • .



    I just slid two oversized snaps into a Full Editor and they were not downsized by the system - in fact I'll have to resize snaps before posting now (not a problem!) so's not to unduly stress the resources Blush

    Thank you, Kylie!




    I just went to post a video using the Insert box and look what I found?!  You have such influence, Bob Tada 

    I do hope that's a max size and won't expand all pics to match it - am extremely busy at the mo but will test and report back if necessary.

  • sorry im late back. I missed the notifications and iv been busy. I have tested it on the phone and you can do dimensions on there but on the i pad you cant. I v tested again in  comments  to see if anything has changed since. I havnt noticed any changes with this yet. photos domt shrink when you add them which is a improvement  but you cant change the size. for me   i prefer to change the size to a size to a size that isnt too big or too small for me.  I usualy prefer to use my i pad to send photos and there isnt a option to change dimensions and change  the size to your prefered size on the i pad anymore unlike the phone even though the i pad used to have that option aswell . 

  • You have such influence, Bob

    I don't even have influence at home, never mind on here :)

  •  Hi Kylie - first and foremost a big thank you to the team for sorting out the image sizing issue - a really great result. I'm sure that will save a lot of clicking for people

    I'm sure it is still on the to do list but images are still loading newest first just in case it is not :)

  • it is good that photos dont revert to a small size in comments now however for ms I might still need to adjust the size. I usualy find 890 to be ok but everyone has different prefersnces and there are also times where I may need to also shrink my photos for any reasom to a (certain size) just like enlargeing photos to a certain size aswell and there has been times where iv had to do that in the past aswell for any reason at the time.  I dont find draging and dropong photos easy in general let alone on the forum and find adjusting dimentions easyer aswell  its good that the image resizeinf problom is fixed for some of the other members  but Iv still got a problom and the problom is only on the i pad 3 which is the device I normaly use and prefer 

    if you double click  on a  photo you add to a comment in full editor from your photo library before you press semd  My i pad used to come up with a sqaure that had spaces for you to add numbers for width and other things 

    recently this month that function disapeared and when you double click on your photo  to shrink, enlarge, or simply adjust width and other things that doesnt come up anymore but it used to 

  • OfficialRSPB

    Hi Kylie, have just discovered another issue which I can't remember being raised ... have just been in communication with a friend via private messaging and my reply was sent 'in triplicate' ... tried again & again and got the same ... any ideas what's gone wrong?


     2013 photos & vids here

    eff37 on Flickr