NEW: Community Issues

Good morning everyone,

Apologies for the radio silence from myself, I have unfortunately been unwell, however I have been keeping an eye on the upgrade thread.

As promised, I am starting a new thread to take over from the previous one. Hopefully this one behaves itself as it should do and it doesn't cause individuals to be signed out. 

I will work through the previous thread to collate any additional issues that have been raised and aim to come back to you as soon as possible with an update. Please do bear with me.

Thank you - Kylie

  •    I think it would be best if we all hold off adding items to this thread until you can list what you think till needs to be done. Then we can add any extras that might have come u or been missed. How does that sound?

  • good morning.  and thanks Kylie. I would say get well soon but you are already better which is good news. me and Catlady had some questions we asked on the other thread. I asked 2 and one exspecialy on one page which wad very important to me. on one I did a whole exsplanation to exsplain as best I csn before getting to the question and asking the question directly and more clearly but hopefuly you understand it. alongside (that) question I also had a 2nd question about my eror problom with making threads and adding photos with it not sending and if it has been solved aswell but others also like Catlady aswell as me. me and the others have brought up lots of technical probloms amd issues related to spam woth the forum aswell. I hope you will be able to catch up and answer our questions and comments 

    I have just noticed as of this last paragraph Bobs retired has commented cause I wrote in the small text box and not large. as Bobs retired has memtioned aswell though we would like to know what has been done and what still needs to be done and his sugestion sounds like a good sugestion 

  • Bobs_Retired said:

    OfficialRSPB   I think it would be best if we all hold off adding items to this thread until you can list what you think till needs to be done. Then we can add any extras that might have come u or been missed. How does that sound?

    I  think that's a good idea.

  • Bobs_Retired said:

    OfficialRSPB   I think it would be best if we all hold off adding items to this thread until you can list what you think till needs to be done. Then we can add any extras that might have come u or been missed. How does that sound?

    I  think that's a good idea.

    I also agree, no need for endless posts in between, thanks 

    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

  • .

    Bobs_Retired said:

    OfficialRSPB   I think it would be best if we all hold off adding items to this thread until you can list what you think till needs to be done. Then we can add any extras that might have come u or been missed. How does that sound?

    It sounds eminently sensible!

  • Good morning everyone, 

    As mentioned, I have been through the previous thread and have compiled a list of what I believe are the remaining outstanding issues. If I have missed any, please do let me know. 

    1. Pagination: some pages are unclickable

    2. Pagination: Request to have it at the top as well as at the bottom

    3. Reply box: size, font size and request to have full editor as standard

    4. Images: drag and drop issues - should be ordered by file name (oldest to newest) not newest to oldest and some fail to upload

    5. Edit feature on PMs

    6. Addition of secondary step once clicked 'report spam/abuse' 

    There are a few other issues identified that I would like to check whether are still issues:

    1. Quoting: is this working as expected now or are there still issues in quoting in full or in part? 

    2. Ability to see who has liked an original post or comment - is this still an issue? 

    3. File type not allowed - appeared to be an issue when using emojis, with or without quoting - is this still an issue? 

    4. Intermittent logging out - are you still experiencing this? 

    5. Insert file for images not working - is this working as expected now or are you still encountering errors? 

    In regards to spam - We have an automated process that captures the majority of spam, but as you have seen, some spam posts do get through and are dealt with manually. We are currently reviewing how we strengthen the processes to prevent further spam from getting through.

    Thank you - Kylie

  • I think you have pretty much captured them. 

    as for issues your not sure about 

    the file trype not allowed when quoting  ismt a problom anymore( for me I dont know about anyone else though.)

    comments. you can see who has liked a post on comments. I dont know about main posts. But it would be nice to be able to see who has liked main posts aswell as posts in comments too if there isnt a way to know yet. 

    as for me I cant say anything about the emojis cause I dont commonly use them so I cant amswer that  but others can.

    for me I had file type not allowed even without emojis when quoting but it has gone for me 

    I had a file type identifier eror 2 or 3 days ago when I tryed to add a photo in one of my posts for testing photo enlargement in comments 

    a few days  after I started posting in comments. 

    I have noticed that the mobile phone has the ability to let yoy adjust dimensions of your photo if you want aswell as drop amd drag

    but the i pad doesnt let you change dimensions like hight and with when it used to and (only) has drag and drop which means you 

    cant choose between the two options based on your preferance and ease on the i pad wheas on phone you can. for me I find the dimension option easyer than drop and drag and I can change the size to whichever size I want in width and other things so would like to also have the option to be able to change dimensions aswell like usual. 

    more on eror file identifier 

    I havnt been making any actual threads for a month  cause threads seem to have a eror with file identifier when I try to add photos to them and press send it has been a problom ever simce I started in 2022 but seems to happen more often if iv been away on holiday or on a day trip the eror tends to continue for a few days or a couple of days then go away until it comes back the next time whenever that will be. the longest iv had the eror for is a couple of weeks or at worst a month so it comes and goes whenever. but it prevents me from successfully adding photos at least more than just once ot twice a year. so I think this eror really needs fixing. exspeacialy since I will be going on holiday alot this year. 


    For me, the current issues are as follows from your list

    1. Pagination: some pages are unclickable Yes
    2. Pagination: Request to have it at the top as well as at the bottom
    3. Reply box: size, font size and request to have full editor as standard
    4. Images: drag and drop issues - should be ordered by file name (oldest to newest) not newest to oldest and some fail to upload Intermittent random sequencing.
    5. Edit feature on PMs
    6. Addition of secondary step once clicked 'report spam/abuse' 
    There are a few other issues identified that I would like to check whether are still issues:
    1. Quoting: is this working as expected now or are there still issues in quoting in full or in part?
    2. Ability to see who has liked an original post or comment - is this still an issue? 
    3. File type not allowed - appeared to be an issue when using emojis, with or without quoting - is this still an iss? Still an issue with emoji's in the original reply. Also emoji not showing within the quote.
    4. Intermittent logging out - are you still experiencing this?
    5. Insert file for images not working - is this working as expected now or are you still encountering errors? 
    In regards to spam - We have an automated process that captures the majority of spam, but as you have seen, some spam posts do get through and are dealt with manually. We are currently reviewing how we strengthen the processes to prevent further spam from getting through.

  • .

    Good afternnoon,  

    1. Pagination: some pages are unclickable

    It's a random problem so can't tell if it's fixed yet or not.

    3. Reply box: size, font size and request to have full editor as standard

    The thing is about the default reply box - it is extremely shallow and not expandable like the Full Editor is.  It has all the RF features but in a different place and format than the Full Editor, why have 2 different layouts?

    We forumites have differing needs, according to how we use the forums.  I try to report on a lot of nest cams with videos and snaps to provide a vivid recap of events for those logging on after work... and, given my mental, physical and technical limitations, it can be exhausting (often I am amazed at how much effort has gone into producing so little result!) - I do not need to have to concentrate on things that could be automatic, like how to approach compiling a post.  I hope you understand what I mean. 

    4. Images: drag and drop issues

    My issue with this is that, even with a tip from Bob's_Retired entering snaps takes much longer than it used to.  Using the Insert box, one needs to specify the exact WxH because setting an approx maximum width doesn't seem to work.  Dragging 'n dropping and adjusting the size by dragging the corner is quite laborious, especially if one has to have a large mouse pointer that partially covers the size info while one is dragging.  "In the old days" I used to save snaps at certain sizes, according to needs, and they would be maintained when dragged 'n dropped into the RF box.

    6. Addition of secondary step once clicked 'report spam/abuse'

    Good idea.


    It's my nap time, as may be all too evident!

    Oh, I can't post because I'm getting the red sentence - This field is required and quote blocks must match.

    I noticed that after typing certain things a single rogue underline character would appear _


    Once I took out the alert link for Bob's_Retired I was able to use RF and able to post (but am not going thru everything editing that now).


  • Hi Kylie,  

     Issues from your list as far as they affect myself:

    Outstanding Issues :4: Drag and drop issues: Yes they should be inserted in filename order (oldest first) to preserve any sequence order. Some images still fail to upload when dragging a number of images.

    Are these still issues?

    4: Random and regular -  logout is still an issue for me - I am logged out more than I am logged in, not the end of the world for me but I do tend to miss liking a lot of posts, because it gets to be a bit off a pain to login just to hit the like button so I tend to login only to post something or make a meaningful comment ( so apologies to people whose posts I would normally like.

    5: I still cannot insert an image file from my hard drive so have to use drag and drop. That isn't a great issue as I tend to insert more than one image at a time and so the "insert image"m one at a time feature doesn't really interest me. However I think it needs to be researched as to whether this is Apple issue. Can other iMac users insert single image files via the insert menu. 

    One last issue regarding images. The current default image size is way too small. If there are a number of images at the present default they have no real detail when using a computer with a large screen. Consequently you have to click on the image to open it up to a decent viewable image. However, you then have to click to close that image before viewing the next image - so its two clicks for every image. Many people have started to use the drag and drop feature and then pull the grab handles on each image to mage it a decent size before posting, but that is really a painful process. Personally I amend the source code so that the images appear on screen at a decent resolution (usually 960 x720 pixels. Its certainly not as tedious as dragging the image boxes and produces a much neater posting.

    I would like to offer two options for better customer satisfaction.

    Either - increase the default image display size to 960 x 720 pixels.

    Or - introduce a Facebook type slideshow of images within one post - ie once one image has been clicked on and enlarged, there should be a left and right arrow to allow the user to cycle through all of the images in that post.

    Of the two options, I think the easiest to implement would be to increase the standard display size to 960 x 720 pixels and would be my preferred solution.