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Recipe for organic weed killer (vinegar, salt etc) and others.

Popped in and saw my name on the 'thank you Kezsmum post' (my pleasure KatTai) and naturally read it:-) Still not up to much and need to return the poor old kates (and sidneys - kidneys) to bed for a while to rest but before I do that here's the recipe for the weedkiller:-

4 cups of vinegar to half a cup of salt and two teaspoons of washing up liquid or multiples thereof. Be aware it will kill treasured plants nearby if not used with care, either spray on on a sunny day or paint on leaves with a paintbrush or wipe on with a cloth.

Apparently Coca cola is a good weed killer too, if a bit sticky, whether the cheaper, supermarket own brand jobs are as good I really couldn't say. Apply on a sunny day. It does beg the question that if it'll see off weeds what's it doing to yer innards? But I really can't answer that.

Mulches make excellent weed killers, but they have to be thick and as soon as weeds pop their heads up, add more, it'll take a time but the combination of lack of light leading to fragile growth as they struggle to find light and the action of the organisms in the mulch will eventually kill most things, the secret is not to let the weeds see any light, so keep at it until they finally give up.

That's it, Kates are screaming for a spot of bed rest so back I go for an hour or so:-(