Missing Gold Finches

Five weeks ago I had never had a goldfinch in my garden, then a lone one arrived and I was so excited. He was soon joined by 4 others. These 5 came every day, several times a day, for about 3 weeks, and stayed on the nyjer and sunflower heart feeders a long time on each visit. They saw off the sparrows and weren't bothered by the starlings or bigger birds such as pigeons. Then we had one night of heavy frost, and since then only one comes infrequently and doesn't stay long. Those of you who get Goldfinches, can you tell me if this is normal? I am getting worried about them!

Cheers, Linda.

See my photos on Flickr

  • Goldfinches are a mobile species. Ones you see in January probably aren't the same individuals in July. Ones one year, possibly aren't the same the next. For 2024, if they aren't nesting in your area, then that would explain their absence. I'm not a fan of house sparrows.....they have been hacking at the runner bean flowers in the last couple of weeks or so.....but having them in the garden won't affect goldfinches.