Fledgling on path

While walking the dogs tonight one of them stopped and started sniffing something on the side of the path.

I had a look at what it was and it was a fledgling, either blackbird or starling, it had its head tucked under its wing and was asleep.

I touched it slightly on its back and got no reaction, touched it a little harder and it looked up and just sat there... Obviously not a safe place as a lot of dogs walk that path and often also see cats and foxes.

Gave it a little nudge and it scurried off ungracefully with its wings held out into the overgrowth.

Finished walking the dogs and went back about 20 mins later and spotted in the undergrowth next to the fence alseep.

Is it best to leave it? No sign of its parents, quite a few foxes at night, and the temperature is supposed to drop to 1c tonight. Plus its seems to be completely unaware of danger as a big husky managed to get close enought to sniff it without a reaction.

  • The general advice is don't interfere. If you move it the parents may not find it if they are still around (and they might not come while there are people about waiting to see if they are there). If they aren't around any more it probably won't make it whatever you do.
    It can be hard, but let nature take its course.


    Nige   Flickr