Hi all
I just had a snake in my garden, not sure what kind, we didn't see it just heard it hissing as it went away.
do all snake hiss?
my dog found it she came runing back from the pond as fast as her little legs would go, we went down there to see what had frighten her and heard it move under the fence hissing like made. One thing i don't like SNAKES!!
That may be why I havn't seen my frogs of later.
Hey farmer, farmer, put away the D.D.T now. Give me spots on my apples, but leave me the birds and the bees, please!
That's no Grass Snake, it's an Adder :-) Lovely though.
At a summer show, when I was a child, I once had a large python placed around my neck. My mum & dad wouldn't come very close, but I just loved it.
I searched woods and grassland for months afterwards looking for grass snakes but never saw one.
Best wishes Chris
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Hi Chris,
Yes, it's a female from one of my my local patches. Same spot, every year. She doesn't bat an eyelid when I kneel to photograph her. But then, she can't, can she!
Hi Micky
I just went over to see where 'your patch' might be. It's a bit far for me, even to photograph such a lovely adder.
Is that this years photo? She must have come out early in the spring sunshine if it is.
That shot was taken on 22nd Feb 2008. I haven't checked this individual yet this year. Here's one of the males.
This was the 1st snake i had ever seen in the wild, last year i saw a Grass Snake swimming in the water. Which probably means yours was a Grass Snake to
Since then i have only seen one other snake which was also a Grass Snake, in someone's pond
Camera always at the ready!!
@BirdPics on twitter
Grass snakes are the species most likely to be seen in gardens, particularly if you have a pond. They are fond of frogs. To get a glimpse of all three native snakes then I would recommend a visit to our Arne reserve. All three lizard species can also be seen there. If your not too keen on snakes then there is plenty of other wildlife to see at Arne. Just don't go running through the heather ;)
Wow!! Must say I'd also love to have any type of snake / lizard in my garden! I do empathise though as my bugbear is spiders!
Mickycoop, have you posted pics? As I don't see any.... :-(
"All weeds are flowers, once you get to know them" (Eeyore)
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