Hi all
I just had a snake in my garden, not sure what kind, we didn't see it just heard it hissing as it went away.
do all snake hiss?
my dog found it she came runing back from the pond as fast as her little legs would go, we went down there to see what had frighten her and heard it move under the fence hissing like made. One thing i don't like SNAKES!!
That may be why I havn't seen my frogs of later.
Hey farmer, farmer, put away the D.D.T now. Give me spots on my apples, but leave me the birds and the bees, please!
Hi Janet,
If the snake was in or around the pond, it's most likely a Grass Snake. Non-venomous and nothing to worry about. In fact, a very nice addition to your garden fauna! We only have two other species in the UK: Adder and Smooth Snake. The former rarely visit gardens, while the latter are extremely rare in Britain, and confined to Dorset heathlands.
Hope this helps,
Hi Janet
Lucky you! I would love to see a grass snake in my garden
Best wishes Chris
Click Here to see my photos
Aaaah I'm with you - they terrify me
Of all creatures, man is the most detestable, he is the only creature that inflicts pain for sport, knowing it to be pain. ~ Mark Twain
Hi Woodpecker
I would gladly let you have it, but if i have to have it in my garden just let it keep out of sight.
If i do see it i will try to get a photo.
just as long as my dogs are safe.
My qustion was do all snakes hiss, grass snake if that is what it was?
Hello Janet,
I beg your pardon, I omitted that info. Yes, when threatnened, Grass Snakes do hiss. As for all snakes; sorry, I've no idea. It's a very interesting evolutionary question, given the fact that all snakes are deaf!
Have a link: http://www.herpetofauna.co.uk/
All I can say Is I would have ran a mile,the thought of seeing one just freeks me out.Last week at one of our local reserves a Grass snake and an Adder have been spotted,I just hope I don't see It on our visit tomorrow.
Hi littleowl,
That would be fine having them at an reserves, you don't have to go there, but i do go to the bottom of my garden.
I don't like snakes, but i'm ok with them, I just have nightmares of them being in my bed, and that freeks me out.
When i was younger (a lot younger ) i used to love slow worms, we had lots where i lived, but you don't see them at all now. sad.
I don't even like slow worms and we do get them In our gardens here, gives me the creeps.
Hope you don't mind this one littleowl,
She's a total pussycat!
Hi Mc,
Nice pic but not funny :( Thank goodness I didn't see one at Ham Wall yesterday.