Good news for the NWCU!

Check out the news about the funding agreement on our website linked below;

Warden Intern at Otmoor.

  • Quote from the RSPB news release "What we now need is for its long-term future to be secured so that it can make strategic long-term plans.”

    I totally agree.  Saving birds like the Hen Harrier require forward thinking over years not a few months then worry about what happens next.

    In anyt event good news for the moment.  All the furore over what is a small amount of money in the wider context.

  • Unknown said:
    Saving birds like the Hen Harrier require forward thinking over years not a few months then worry about what happens next

    Totally agree on that comment Bob it's a case very close to my heart living on the edge of the Dales as we do.

    Great news ref. the funding but it could be used up quickly,will it have to fund legal costs out of that ?


    Birding is for everyone no matter how good or bad we are at it,enjoy it while you can

  • It is a absolutely astonishing amount of money,really just a sop for us peasants to appreciate,probably the MPs meals are subsidised to greater amount.It shows a total lack of care and compassion for wildlife crimes.  

  • I actually agree with Sooty - I'm pleased they've provided funding but the amount of money is tiny compared with some other stuff the Government funds.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • £136,000 can't go that far!! You can't buy a house for that... Didn't the rspca spend £300,000 on prosecuting the labour mp for fox hunting? Or am I getting my wires crossed?

    Wildlife crime really boils my blood, especially when the animal suffers badly!

    Cheers, Jason