The appeal by the Badger Trust against the legality of a badger cull in England has been lost paving the way for the cull, see the article here. They are considering an appeal.
For the RSPB's current position on this see our page here
Warden Intern at Otmoor.
Wish a public outcry could overturn a (ridiculously stupid) cull decision as it did with the buzzard 'management' scheme! I've signed so many petitions against a cull, but they seem to be falling on deaf ears this time around......
"All weeds are flowers, once you get to know them" (Eeyore)
My photos on Flickr
its devastating especially when scientists state it will have no effect on tb in cattle.
when you feel down take a look outside...nature will uplift you
I firmly believe in the "power of the people" keep pushing, we have a stay of execution here in Wales at present thank heavens.
Lot to learn