I would draw your attention given to the warning that to the World by the 'conservative' International Energy Authority that the world has 5 years left to tackle climate change. The recession we are slipping into is energy intense ie CO2 production actually increased last year. I quote Faith Birol chief economist at the IEA
"if we do nt change direction now on how we use energy; the door will be closed forever".
It would seem to me that within this context leadership is required; if we slip into a 1930's style recession that is not transformative of the way we use energy then CO2 will continue to rise.
I grew up in East Africa where half a million people are starving due to the predations of overpopulation, climate change war and overgrazing (although Kenya has now lost 80% of its cattle due to the droughts of the past 3 years); in Kenya there is increasing levels of human wildlife conflict over water resources ie people getting killed by elephants; Amboseli of Echo fame I believe may be closed.
Given that my thread on the Compass Initiative has been locked can I ask ?
What do the contributors on this site think is the answer; should we all now give up our cars ? When we fly should we stay for the whole winter off setting our carbon use by our winter fuel bills?
Peter Plover