I would like to know as to where the RSPB stands on the Compass Initiative by 100 leading economists; a review is set out in the Observer 30;10;11 Pages 8 and 9. It sets out clear points; the most significant are below. I am sorry I am not clever enough on computers to provide links; but Compass is the organisation that has initiated this.
1) Stop the Cuts; which are making matters worse by reducing spending and growth.
2) Kickstart the economy with Quantative Easing Targetted at a Green New Deal not Bankers.
3) Raise benefits for the poorest families (Job Seekers Allowance at £4 billion is less than 7% of the pension bill)
4) Introduce a Financial Transactions Tax; to reduce "flows" and raise income for public expenditure
5) Introduce a progressive tax system so those at the bottom do nt carry the greatest burden proportionately.
6) A tax on land value to reduce the chances of another debt fuelled housing boom.
It is notable that in the last 12 months that top wages have increased by 50% while those at the bottom are being squeezed by in excess of 5% a year. The riots this summer in the poorest parts of cities conducted by the most disadvantaged were ab measure of the cocktail of challenges that face our country; they were the first truely "American Riots".
These are unusual times for the post war generations that have been used to the benefits of prosperity and affluence. It is time again to look at the lessons of the 1930's and the great Keynsian responses of particularly Attlee and Macmillan.
As a member and birdwatcher for nearly all of my life I would like to know where RSPB stands.
Peter Plover
Thanks for putting that one away Ian,as said wrong place no matter what feelings.
Birding is for everyone no matter how good or bad we are at it,enjoy it while you can
Hi there,
When you say "organisational" grievances are you referring to my post ? I was merely trying to initiate a debate. I have had a look through the terms and conditiions and can see nothing that I have done that breaches these conditions ?
The fact remains that these are extra-ordinary times; renewables are being slashed; the Environment Agency and Natural England have been muzzled and their staff slashed.
The entire RSPB solar programme has been cut and surely the wider picture of polarising social division is relevant to "sustainability".
In the meantime growth has been saved by a 75 billion QE injection to the BANKS ! With no 'rider' as to its targetting; the Euro zone may be about to collapse; if it does growth will be hammered !
In my view we now need a "green growth" package. Where does the RSPB stand ? Is this not a legitimate question to be aired ?
With regard to my little composition above I have to correct the impression that I might have given ! In the histories of these things Blodeuwedd was conjured from garlands of the blossoms of the oak, the meadow sweet and the yellow broom into the most beautiful maiden and for the betrayal of her lover she was conjured into an owl. That is why to this day that all the birds of the air do hate her !
I have confused her with Albina "the White Goddess". My memory was of the blackthorn flower in Spring where in the ancient lores there seems to be a unity between the Goddess and the Maiden !
Hi Peter, see my above comment and links. This thread is now locked.
Warden Intern at Otmoor.