Will a wind turbine interfere with these birds:
I would like to know asap please
drumraghgal, Unfortunately this is not a question that could be answered in its current format. The impact by a wind turbine on birds has to be a complicated assessment of location, size, turbine numbers, flight paths, migration routes etc with other issues added on almost ad infinitum. This is why conservation groups object to some and are happy with others.
There will be lots of personal opinion but without detail nothing that could answer this one..
The Cotswold Water park sightings website
My Flicker page
There has been some post on this subject on one of the raptor forums and no doubt elsewhere.I has been said in other countries that large birds are at risk.A lot of the info coming out will be one sided depending if you are for or against wind generation.No doubt societies like the RSPB and BTO will be studying this and it is their results I will be looking at.
Birding is for everyone no matter how good or bad we are at it,enjoy it while you can