Fabulous Ladies in Hats (without feathers)


Hello community

I was reading the RSPB Safeguarding Species paper and I just had to tell you about this thay I read in the foreword in the part where we can help.

About 120 years ago a group of ladies gathered to discuss the current fashion in hats. These brave ladies were preparing to tackle the trade in feathers used for hats at the time. Thousands of Egrets, Bird of Paradise, Great Crested Grebes and Kittiwakes among others were being destroyed for the name of fashion!!

The action of these ladies led directly to the Sea Birds Preservation Act of 1869 and the Wild Birds Protection Act 1880.

Isn't that a wonderful tale. Makes us think, alright.

Thank you

TashnuAbout a 120 years ago, a group of

ladies gathered to discuss the

current fashion in hats. But this

was no idle chat over coffee –

these ladies were preparing to

tackle the trade in plumes for

women's hats, a fashion

responsible for the destruction of

many thousands of egrets, birds

of paradise and other species.

The UK had already seen the

wholesale destruction of such

native birds as great-crested

grebes and kittiwakes for their

plumage, leading to early

legislation such as the Sea Birds

Preservation Act of 1869 and the

Wild Birds Protection Act of 1880.


  • Good for you Tash for finding this and good for those ladies watching what they were wearing. Amazing how such a small group could have led to two acts preserving and protecting our wildlife.

    I am constantly questioning my own use of leather and worry about it, but am totally against anything in fur. Oddly enough I hadn't questioned feathers! Not that I buy things with feathers, but presumably if I did, they would be feathers shed naturally or even man made look-alikes!

    bye for now

  • Now that would make sense Alan..........

    bye for now

  • Unknown said:
    Didn't the RSPB come about because of a woman

    It did indeed. It was founded in 1889 by Emily Williamson in Didsbury, Manchester for the very reasons that Tash has set out. There's a Wikipedia article about it here.

    Women rule OK !!!!!



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  • Anonymous
    Anonymous 27/07/2011 19:57 in reply to TeeJay

    How interesting !

    We ladies do have our moments, don't we x
