As active supporters of the RSPB, I wanted to get your thoughts on a new venture. As you know, we’ve recently launched our new campaign Stepping Up for Nature ( in England and are gearing up for it becoming our primary campaign right across the UK from the beginning of June. To help us achieve this, I’m looking for supporters, just like you, who can help shout about the campaign to as many people as possible.I’d like to create a private forum through which you will get exclusive previews of stories and activities before anyone else. You will also receive all the support and resources you need to take action and share the campaign with your friends and family, your local community and any networks you may be part of, be it asking them to sign a petition, put up a nest box or even just share a link with followers on facebook or twitter.At the same time you‘ll be able to use the forum to chat to other supporters and, share your thoughts and experiences with one another, and with me.We’re right at the beginning of an exciting journey and my first step is to gauge how many of you might be interested in joining the group. Please let me know if this appeals to you and do feel free to ask any questions you might have.Thanks,Emily
My suggestions...
Avian Angels
The Bird Brigade
Striving to be a better Photographer whilst looking after two young children... :0/
Owning a Nikon doesn't make you a photographer... it makes you a Nikon owner!
Wildlife worriers Wildlife Preservation mercenary
Wildlife Trustees Fauna Fighters
Wildlife Champions Wildlife safeguard soldiers
Wlidlife defence force Squirrel strokers
Hi Emily
I would be interested in taking part too although i'll leave all the clever stuff to the experts lol
Regards Kimbo
Feeling More Positive :-)
The RPSB's preservationist people
(yes it is a word, with a very apt meaning, -- someone who advocates the preservation of historical sites or endangered species or natural areas )
OOh what about
"The Squark Squad"
Going from Juno's suggestion .. we could knick The Italian Jobs song ..
"We are the Bird Preservation Soci-et-ty!" ;o)
Unknown said: Going from Juno's suggestion .. we could knick The Italian Jobs song .. "We are the Bird Preservation Soci-et-ty!" ;o) Ant
Ponty, the Wife here said to accompany that "Your only supposed to blow the bloody jackdaws off!"
God it was funny!
Going back to the orginal reason for the thread, I would be only to pleased to help out how and where I can. I'm forever telling people to go visit Minsmere Wildlife Reserve for a day out, and commenting that they might well enjoy it so much that it doesn't hard cost to join as members.
Having a retail background you never forget how to pitch something to a customer :)
Chappers (and the Wife.)
'Educate' me, on the wonders of nature.
Hi everyone,
Thanks so much for all your suggestions, they've kept me hugely entertained over the past week! I'm going to set up a poll for you to vote for your favourite names tomorrow so that gives you about 24 hours to get any last-minute ideas in... We've already had a brilliant response but if anyone has any further thoughts, please do share.
Ant, I hate you soooooooooooo much I now have that song in my head!
Would make a good theme tune to go with the super-supporters though, I can just see you all marching along to
As I work full time, I don't think it would be fair to make any commitments to doing anything unfortunately :-( I'll probably be at work every time something happens!
Millie & Fly the Border Collies
Hi Kat Tai, some of the ways you can show your support will be online so you may yet be able to join in. You could always join the group and pick and choose what you're able to get involved in?
Anyway, I can guarantee this won't be the only opportunity you'll get to join should you change your mind.