Biofuels and possible threat to a pair of red kites.

I would like to bring your attention to a possible threat to a pair of red kites which are seen daily at Headley Plantation, Warren Lane, Bramham, Tadcaster, LS24 9NU. This is in the middle of a farm owned by Leeds University. A firm called Rocpower, part of the coal/ mining group Hargreaves Services, have submitted a planning application with Leeds Planning Office for a biofuel plant (application number 11/01677FU -previous application 10/02274- withdrawn). This plant will have a 25m high chimney and will continuously burn biofuels (possibly tall oil, a waste product from the America/Scandinavian paper industry and other bottom end waste) in order to produce electricity. The Planning Office have been informed about the birds but have failed to demand any reports. 
I was wondering if your organisation and supporters could request such a report or oppose the application. Despite the University complaining about the effects of such a plant on it's plant research and the parish council on the effects on the health of the residents nearby and the children at Tadcaster Grammar School it would appear the plans will be passed. The site is in a green belt. 
The company involved have already had one application passed in Wakefield. This plant churned out thick rusty brown fumes for weeks. 
If you are unable to assist I would be extremely grateful if you could suggest any other organisations which could offer advice.

  • Hi

    I'm not sure this is the right place to direct your concerns. This is a community forum and as such has no direct influence on these sort of planning matters. I would have thought you should contact the RSPB direct.

    In the absence of any response from our forum moderators I'm going to suggest you contact the RSPB Regional office for advice at:

    Denby Dale Office

    Tel: 0300 777 2676

    Westleigh Mews
    Wakefield Road, Denby Dale
    HD8 8QD

    I think this covers the Tadcaster area.

    Good luck




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