government alterations to wildlife and countryside act

hi people

i've just had this email i thought i would share with you..

On Monday, it was revealed that the government might scrap vital laws which protect wildlife and the countryside and help stop climate change. Hardliners have branded the rules ‘red tape’ and say they could be scrapped within months. [1]

We need to work together to make sure our wildlife, our countryside and our planet are protected.

In the past, David Cameron has made headlines promising to run "the greenest government ever". [2] We need to convince him that scrapping these laws would be a disaster for his reputation. A huge petition will prove to Cameron that he can't afford to break his green promises.

Please take 30 seconds to speak up for legal protection for wildlife and the environment:

Among the laws under threat are the Climate Change Act and the Wildlife and Countryside Act. These aren’t little-known laws that no one cares about. The Wildlife and Countryside Act protects wild birds, their nests and eggs, and makes sure that national parks and marine reserves are protected. The UK’s Climate Change Act was a world first which helps make sure we reduce our emissions. [3]

We know that when we work together we can make sure the government doesn’t get away with plans which could hurt the environment. When they decided to try to sell off our forests, over half a million of us got together and convinced them to drop their plans. [4]

The government says it is "consulting" before scrapping these laws - so let's give them a consultation response they can't ignore! Please help make sure we have a huge petition telling the government to keep laws which protect our wildlife and our environment.

Sign the petition to send a powerful message to David Cameron and the government:

at the minute i havn't gone into it to see whats involved so i dont want to start an arguement among members it's just for information


  • Thank you IanH for coming on here so quickly and giving us this additional information

    Best wishes Chris

    Click Here to see my photos

  • We are going to move this thread to the wildlife protection forum, i think someone mentioned this earlier in the thread but we feel that would be the best home for such an important subject.

    And by the way please feel free to write to your MP to tell them how important it is to protect nature!

    Warden Intern at Otmoor.

  • All laws that protect wildlife should be upheld and as well as the petition, I have emailed David Camerons office direct

    Of all creatures, man is the most detestable, he is the only creature that inflicts pain for sport, knowing it to be pain.
    ~ Mark Twain

  • Thanks Alan for raising this subject. I have signed and will contact my MP.

  • Cherwell said:

    I do not believe this is the purpose or proper use of this forum!


    Hi Cherwell

    You must feel as if the world is against you at present.

    Being a forum all views have a right to be aired. You were not saying that your for the change in the law but just if this was the right place for it.

    It's always good to make us all question if what we are doing is right.



  • The present laws on wildlife are weak enough already without diluting them,one only needs to look at my favourite hobbyhorse of raptor persecution


    Birding is for everyone no matter how good or bad we are at it,enjoy it while you can

  • Thanks for the info, doggie.

    MrM and I have both signed up.

    "The road of excess leads to the palace of wisdom" - Wlliam Blake

  • Hi Doggie

     I have looked it up and have now signed also posted it to my profile on facebook

    regards again Kimbo

    Feeling More Positive :-)

  • Cherwell said:

    I do not believe this is the purpose or proper use of this forum!

    Cherwell don't feel that everyone is agaist you it's just the way the forum works,quite a few of us have been in the same position


    Birding is for everyone no matter how good or bad we are at it,enjoy it while you can

  • Anonymous
    Anonymous 20/04/2011 18:23 in reply to Seaman

    Hi Cherwell

    I agree with Seaman in what he is saying

    There are so many debates when it somes to talking about the laws and regulations dealing with wildlife

    We all want to keep our fingers on the pulse, and know what the latest views are about subjects close to our hearts

    IanH has put us all straight now and please feel that you can add you thoughts about the matter at hand...along with everyone else here.


    Kathy and Dave

    Wendy S said:

    I do not believe this is the purpose or proper use of this forum!

    Cherwell don't feel that everyone is agaist you it's just the way the forum works,quite a few of us have been in the same position
