Beakwatch December 2010 - The Results


Hi there

Hope that this has not been discussed elsewhere on here in relation to the The Beakwatch Results - please edit as appropriate if need be {smile}

We bought April's edition of Bird Watching Magazine yesterday, and it has a 2 page article about beak deformities which is an interesting read to all bird lover.

According to the survey results:  Rooks have has the biggest percentage of deformities, closely followed by Blackbirds and Blue Tits.

According to the article there seems to be assumptions attached to the problems with deformities thought to be connected to issues such as pollution etc... other than traumas, and so forth..

What are peoples thoughts about this issue.


Kathy and Dave

  • That's very interesting - eventhough I've never actually seen any birds with beak deformities, I thought it all happened naturally, not something caused by humans...

    'Dip a dee dah, dip a dee ay, we're not seeing any birds to-day...'