I have accidentally discovered the following while being involved in a Planning issue.
I live across the road, bound on the other side by a high mixed hedge, beyond which is a 4.4 hectare landscaped site and in the middle of that stands the Medical School. The large building is being demolished and the site redeveloped.
In discussions with the University whose site it is, about the replacement of trees & shrubs due to be felled, it emerged that Southampton City Council's policy is that replacement trees should not be the berrying kind to ensure that birds do not compromise aircraft safety! Southampton Airport is some 3-4 miles away.
Having been witness for many years, for instance, to flocks of redwings arriving in the winter & clearing the hedge opposite of berries, I'm shocked at the disregard of a Council for our bird life. Woodpeckers, the odd owl and most of our native birds visit or nest in the site. (The hedge is not due for demolition.)
What do others think? Is the policy of other Councils similar to Southampton's, if they have a local airport?
I live in Northern Ireland where planning regulations are very different. We tend to lean towards the policy of replacing like with like and for sites such as you have mentioned there can be a lot of restrictions on the removal of trees with planners sometimes insisting that plans be changed to accommodate existing trees and shrubs.
I can understand the need to maintain safety standards for aircraft and just wonder if the site is on the course of a flight route? If not then surely some sort of compromise could be found especially considering the drop in numbers some of our birds have experienced in recent years.
It may be worth discussing this issue with some of your local council officials (especially those with greener tendencies) who may be sympathetic!
Thank you Amanda.
I don't think we are on the flight path - it doesn't appear so from my house & the site concerned. However, I'm not 100% sure so I will make enquiries to be sure. I do know that residents some miles further east of the city are definitely on the flightpath.
Oddly enough, our local Council as a whole professes to be 'green' but not so 'green' as yours!
Holly sadly we seem to live in a Heath and Safety gone mad land.No bushes of berries for Redwings as it may endanger aircraft - dont play conkers kids it may kill you
Thank you
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