Trapping Magpies and moving them to another area

my mums neighbour keeps rabbits and are trapping magpies and keeping them in a low run looks like a modified rabbit run, they have food and water and a small perch but are in distress. Young son says it has police sticker on side I cant see what it says but surly this isnt legal in Scotland to mov e them from the area they belong in. Son said they peck rabbits eyes out , dont see how they can when rabbits are enclosed ion cage please can some one advise me on this urgently need some help

  • I don't know what you should do. A few years ago this was happening in Glasgow and whilst in was investigated I  don't think there was any convictions.

    As I understand it ALL birds are protected but sometimes I;m just appalled about how the rules are bent.

    All I ask is the chance to prove that money can't make me happy.
    Spike Milligan

  • I'm sure it's illegal to take birds from the wild.  It's certainly illegal to keep them in distressing conditions, even if they are not from the wild.  Can you find a local contact for the RSPCA or SSPCA(if in Scotland) or the RSPB?  They might be able to help you.

  • I wish I knew if the police would sanction this or not I think that its terrible the poor bird could have young here, I thought all birds were protected but this has made wonder if there are exceptions to this and what they are,I cant believe that the birds should suffer like this


  • Hi ceefirr assuming you are in Scotland ring 03000 999 999 they are the Scotish RSPCA is the best I can describe them and hope that does not offend them,they are brilliant.  

  • Anonymous
    0 Anonymous 18/08/2010 04:17 in reply to ceefirr

    Hi ceefirr, and welcome to the RSPB Forum.  Enjoy yourself here.

    The best thing for you to do is to wait until the moderators arrive tomorrow and see what they have to say about the issue

    I would not try to resolve it yourself as you do not know what your neighbours may do if you approach them to try to rectify the situation.  Unless you know what type of people they are it is better to avoid them as they may be simply not nice people to know.

    The law tells us that all birds are wild and should be left well alone.  No-one has any right to cage them ot otherwise simple as that.


    Kathy and Dave

  • Hi ceefirr, Magpies can be caught for certain reasons under the general licences issued by the Scottish Government. These include the conservation of wild birds or preventing serious damage to livestock, foodstuffs for livestock, crops, vegetables and fruit. Protecting pet rabbits does not appear to be a justification under any of the general licences.

    I would recommend contacting the local county police switchboard or the RSPB's Investigations department in Scotland on 0131 311 6500.

    You can view the actual licences here. The licences can vary between the individual countries in the UK.


  • I hope this situation has a good ending for you ceefir,it must be very distressing for you, as well as the birds.



    An optimist sees the beauty of the complete rose.A pessimist sees only the thorn .