Hi there
I have just watched this on the BBC news
The Oak disease is still spreading - we have had Acute Oak disease at Putnoe Local Nature Reserve, Bedford - only last year and it has had an affect on the Reserve. I have noted Green woodpeckers this year in the same Reserve but sadly no Great Spotted Woodpeckers or Lesser Spotted Woodpeckers so far.
It looks although the same or similar has spread to other areas of the UK now and it is worrying.
So, the Oaks are prone to this disease, and it does not sound all that good at the moment
Kathy and Dave
That is very worrying, I live in Devon. We have a number of large Oak trees as well as a beautiful Larch and Plymouth is only 35 miles away. All of the natural woodland around this area contains many Oak trees; down here it would have a much greater effect than when we lost all the elms.
Build it and they will come.