Baby blackbirds

I wonder if anyone could give me some advice regarding how to protect the nests of blackbirds we have  in the garden.

The first nest was in a large shrub and a couple of weeks ago I found the remains of two very young blackbirds - I think probably a cat, but we do have quite a lot of predatory wild life in the area.

I have been keeping an eye on another blackbird nest - in a conifer.  We were out yesterday, and when I looked this morning the nest was empty and all 3 young blackbirds missing.  We did have heavy rain and high winds yesterday and don't know if this might have caused a problem, but the nest is still in tact.

Last year we saw about 12 young blackbirds successfully reared and 8 thrushes, but are concerned at the number of baby birds not making it out of the nests this year.

  • Just thought I'd update you - feeling a bit silly at jumping to conclusion something bad had happened to young blackbirds.  They must have been further on than I thought, as I noticed the parents still gathering worms etc and flying into some long grass.

    Popped out to have a look and saw a young blackbird, so am hoping the others are close by.  Will have to be vigilant on cat watch now they are out of the nest.

  • Good morning Poppy and welcome to  the forum

    Sounds like the parents are doing agood job and with you on cat watch, they stand a good chance

    Please let us know how they get on

    bye for now


    "out beyond ideas of right doing and wrong doing there is a field. I will meet you there"   Rumi

  • Hi Poppy,

    I believe that newly fledged blackbirds can't fly as their wings aren't properly formed, so they spend some time hidden on the ground, with the parents still feeding and looking after them. Cats are a major problem at this time.

    Good luck, and please let us know how they get on.


    Cheers, Linda.

    See my photos on Flickr

  • Hi Poppy Welcome.

    As Sparrow says, young Blackbirds can't fly so don't worry too much if you see them sitting alone for spells but do be careful regarding cats and Magpies too as they are so vulnerable.

    Look forward to any updates too :0)



    An optimist sees the beauty of the complete rose.A pessimist sees only the thorn .

  • Hi Poppy

    So glad the young blackbirds are alright after all.  We have got a nest in the garden at the moment and are having to keep a watch out for the local moggie.

    Early this morning at 1.30am !  we were woken by the blackbirds alarm call, my OH went outside to see what was going on and a cat ran away.  They are a blinking nuisance.

    We had a nest last year as well and like the others have said baby blackbirds are unable to fly straight away and wiil stay on the ground being fed by the parents for a few days.  This can be a very stressful time with cats about.  Good luck with yours.



    What a wonderful world :))

  • Anonymous
    0 Anonymous 06/07/2010 04:12

    Hi Poppy and welcome to the RSPB Forum.  Enjoy yourself here,

    I think you are very kind to your Blackbirds and it is good that you have their welfare at heart.

    It is sad when Blackbird families are preyed upon. Magpies, Cats, Grey Squirrels, Great Spotted Woodpeckers (hate to say) Sparrowhawks etc...will add to their downfall of especially young birds. 

    Still Blackbirds are very successful and will produce 3 broods a year if the condtions are right for them.

    You will know if the Blackbirds are young because their tails are no more than a stub to look at.  When the youngsters are out of the nest, they will sit in a huddle on the ground to protect each other while the parents search for food.

    I am so pleased that the second family of Blackbirds you have mentioend here are fine.

    Just keep an eye on the family and see if the cats stay away.  Also enjoy the seeing the youngsters as they grow up would be a lovely thing to watch and write about on this Fourm

    A couple of photos would go down a treat too.


    Kathy and Dave

    Pat B said:

    I wonder if anyone could give me some advice regarding how to protect the nests of blackbirds we have  in the garden.

    The first nest was in a large shrub and a couple of weeks ago I found the remains of two very young blackbirds - I think probably a cat, but we do have quite a lot of predatory wild life in the area.

    I have been keeping an eye on another blackbird nest - in a conifer.  We were out yesterday, and when I looked this morning the nest was empty and all 3 young blackbirds missing.  We did have heavy rain and high winds yesterday and don't know if this might have caused a problem, but the nest is still in tact.

    Last year we saw about 12 young blackbirds successfully reared and 8 thrushes, but are concerned at the number of baby birds not making it out of the nests this year.

  • Just thought I'd pop back and let you know that all 3 young blackbirds are doing well.

    I was a bit concerned initially as I couldn't see them around the garden anywhere, but when I watched the parents collecting food, they were taking it to two large poplar trees we have in the garden, so the young ones must have been perched in them - probably a lot safer!

    Also have another pair of blackbirds feeding young, plus blue tits, sparrows, thrushes, robins, siskins, chaffinches and a pair of gold finches.  So with all these young ones, am on pretty permanent cat patrol!!!

    Thanks for all your replies