Magpie in a cage

Has i was walking to the hills near Garstang,i spotted a cage in the field.Inside the cage was a magpie jumping about.I was sicken my the site.I couldnt release the bird because i was scared  from the farmer who lives near by.Are magpie protected.Advice please.IAN

  • Hi all,thank you for your comments.I THINK PUTTING A BIRD IN A CAGE IS CRUEL FOR WHAT EVER REASON.We have human rights,birds have rights too.

  • Why dont we put the farmer in a cage folks.And see if he or she likes that.The magpie kills small  birds, i agree.Its nature.

  • On checking google I found Pheasant shooting is popular in the Garstang area so I guess the "farmer" has a shoot on his land and is losing eggs to the magpies. So in order for the "Rich" to go there and shoot the pheasant he traps the magpies, the magpies get killed just so a few can then go and kill pheasants? Guess the only losers here are the birds and the winner will be the "farmer"?


    Regards Shane


    My Photos in Flickr.

  • I agree totally that trapping any bird in a cage is disgusting and it should be banned.I live in a rural area and i sometimes hear them shooting birds such as Magpies in the surrounding  fields.I hate that too and don't condone it, but at least it is instant.



    An optimist sees the beauty of the complete rose.A pessimist sees only the thorn .

  • Well.I have heard of this before and I too think it is totaly barbarick

    I  came across it many times in areas we would use for search training on farms etc...quite sickenng too.....especially when there were bones left inside the cage....

    we could only assume that whoever put it there forgot about it or couldn't find it again.......aghhh

    I think it WILL be interesting to read responses here too........

    and I thougt it was only ME who upset the apple cart on


    SUE and LUCKY..just call me    Mrs Early Bird.....x

    Our house operate's  soley for our animals and birds......Love me love my animals........


  • Unknown said:

    Sorry you saw that Twitter but time the RSPB had a different attitude to Magpies as even though there are lot less Swallows saw one nest completely taken just before fledging and if you added it all up from far too many Crows,Magpies and Jackdaws the effect on small birds is horrific and most people who work on the land will tell you we now have too many of them and the old plum answer of let nature take its course is quite honestly a load of rubbish because of course humans have changed everything so much that you cannot just leave things to take there course or probably as a example Red Kites would have never made a come back.You do of course have my sympathy but so do all the small birds literally hundreds i have seen Magpies demolish.


    Hey Sooty

    You criticised Peacelover in another thread for wanting to cull Collared Doves. Can you explain why you take a different view in this thread about Magpies, please?



    [/quote]Don't think there was any critisism on peacelover thread,certainly not intended,just a way that perhaps he could come to terms with it. 

  • Hi Kezmo understand your point but the bird should be fed and looked after.

  • Last Wednesday saw magpie in cage in a trailer behind a little sit-on 4x4 in W***sorr G***t Park going off into a v rarely frequented area.  About 15 mins later the sit-on 4x4 & trailer went past me without cage or bird.

    Surprised:  I'm sure any suggestion taht any misdeeds in WGP or elsewhere in the Crown Estate will get handled lightly must be incorrect, aye, right....

    There's a fair bit of shooting around (deer & pheasant..): Suspect related to pheasant rearing...

    Any views as to what I could/should do ??

    Best regards to all..


  • If done within certain rules the use of the Larsen trap is legal no matter what your views on its use are.To interfere with it may lead to your prosecution but if you are not sure of the legality contact your local police wildlife crime officer.As you may realise after reading this thread it is a very emotive subject among wildlife lovers.


    Birding is for everyone no matter how good or bad we are at it,enjoy it while you can

  • Here is my view, right or wrong. A caged bird is not gonna be a happy bird. Using it to attract others, is a sure way to upset us bird lovers, but perhaps we should all look at the wider picture. Do we treat all birds and animals that prey on others in the same way? No, of course we don't. If we did, then we would have to wipe out nearly all the raptors, corvids, squirrels, cats, lions, humans,------------ do I need to go on? We have interfered with nature enough, let it sort itself out. If the farmer involved is indeed destroying these birds, just to protect his Pheasants, in order to make money on the shooting days, shame on him.

    Live and let live I say!

    Take care all, Stich.

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