Gamekeeper illegally trapping

Hello, I had been a member a year or so ago but lost all my log in details, I have not been on the site much since I felt I was put down over the Big garden watch. Anyway, I am not sure how to report this, but a local Gamekeeper whom I know has been boasting about trapping Magpies- and he has admitted he does not have a license, (don't start me off) what is even worse is that one day last week he came to my gate and saw a Buzzard up in a tree right at the bottom, it is about 3/4 of an acre field.

I am breeding some ducks, not for the pot etc, just to sell on-(I breed call ducks amongst much more), anyway he came up the track, leaned on my gate, saw the Buzzard and advised that I ought to let him bring his gun, and that "you want to get rid of that Buzzard"  it shall take your chicks, then he advised that if he saw one on the ground where he works- a farm not too far away from me, he would shoot it, he said they are a known pest in the Gaming world.

Then out it come," I've shot Sparrowhawks, Red Kites, Owls, Herons" amongst his huge list he went on to say whilst laughing his head off. (monster).. I said, You cannot shoot any of them, he said that as long as they are on the ground, you can shoot them with nobody seeing, and then dispose of the cull. He is not the sort of man you wish to get on the wrong side of, not that I am worried about him, more worried about the aftermath, his wife stands by him 100% and they would try to make my life hell- if not worse if they knew I had told anyone about his antics.

I met this man whilst selling the call ducks, he responded to an ad due to being local, he wanted to buy some for what he says is His ponds, but I was too expensive at the time, I put them up an extra £25 each just to put him off! I just hate that, I do not like lies, but sometimes you just have to-make excuses somehow.

What is the correct route to reporting him? Please, I don't wish for my regular visitor to go missing-the Buzzard, it has never pinched anything of mine or perhaps I have been lucky?! I get a right buzz -excuse the pun when he comes down, he is huge and wow, what a feeling to see it land just yards away and he perches in the tree for a while, prunes himself, then flies off. Trouble is, this gamekeeper is now frequenting my gate so to speak and becomes all excited when he sees the Red Kites, Sparrowhawks and such land in my grounds.

Thanks for your time.

  • What an unholy piece of filth you've just described.  Try to keep him talking (if you can stand it) and get a recording of what he has to say.  Then the police won't have an excuse to do nothing.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Hello, I have alerted our Investigations department to this thread for their feedback. ALL wild birds are fully protected by the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981, making it a criminal offence to intentionally kill, injure or take any wild bird. A Wildlife Crime Officer based at your county police station should be made aware of such offences.

  • Much as you, and the rest of us despise people like this monster. I fear you may be letting yourself in for a whole lot of trouble if he finds out who reported him. He sounds like he could be inclined to retaliate. Whilst I would be really pleased for him to be prosecuted, I fear for your safety. Please be very careful, you will be living in close proximity, and moving is not usually an option. Call me a coward if you wish, but self preservation comes first, especially if you have family.

    Take care all, Stich.

    My gallery Here  Flickr Here    

  • I have to agree with Stitch and Thank you for your post, this gamekeeper is also very pally with travellers and I hear all kinds of things I really do not wish to know about, he is a menace to say the least. They were both recently reported to the RSPCA due to leaving one of their spaniels with a cancer growth -and I had seen it, the size of three footballs, the dog has now been put to sleep, he called at my gate and told me he had been reported and was going to batter the person when he finds out whom reported him.

    Due to his work being so close, they both keep popping up my drive- If I see them coming, I go and hide because I just can't be doing with them.

    What I do know is; they have chickens which have never ever been cleaned out in ten years- and wonder why the birds keep dropping dead, I have 60 chickens and they are all super healthy, people come from miles away just to buy the eggs.

    Beats up their most beautiful spaniel, and she is so adorable and just wants love.

    What puzzles me is that he is like this, he is a gamekeeper and was known in the past for poaching, he has a license for guns and has about 8 I think he said, excuse me, but that puts the wind up me!

  • Hello The bird lady. I have had a response from our Investigations team and have dropped you an email.