
Hi all,

I need your help. I have Blue Tits nesting in an old air vent in the wall of my house. I see them regularly flying in and out and can hear them at night. I rent my house from the council and they are starting work on putting up an external insulation on the houses in my estate. Am I right in thinking they cannot do this while the birds are there? I love seeing them and would hate the thought of the nest being put in jeopardy. I read a little of the Wildlife Act 1981 and it seems to me they can't carry out the works while the birds are there... Please tell me that's true. If anyone can help me with this I will be very grateful as I am not sure but will need to notify the contractors asap if this is the case.

Thank you

  • Oh thank god for that!!!!!! Thank you so much for the info Doggie :)

  • I haven't heard any chicks as yet but I normally see just one flying in and out during the day. The vent is so high up I can't tell. I had blocked it from the inside with a piece of board years ago and I can hear them inside at night fluttering about.

  • Thanks, that's really useful. I will check regularly to see if I can hear any chicks. Can you tell me roughly how long it takes for eggs to hatch? I have no way of getting a look inside and wouldn't want to spook them at all anyway. It was back in March I had two flying around and going in and after sometime I saw one taking nesting material inside. for a while now I have watched them going to my feeding station and sitting up on the roof before going inside. I normally just see one now so I presume the female is on the nest? I don't know very much about them so this is all guess work on my part.

  • Ah ok, well I saw one taking material in there in April so I shall pay more attention now and see what I can hear. Thank you so much for your help and advice it's very much appreciated.

    Kind Regards


  • Just a quick update. I have seen both adults going into the air vent this afternoon. After that it's been just one going back and forth. I have not heard any chicks yet but this confirms to me that it is an active nest. I will be contacting the contractors today to make them aware of the situation so fingers crossed they listen.

  • We have chicks!!! Heard them for the first time yesterday and parents are busy back and forth. I notified the company that are doing the work and there is an open day today so I can go there and talk to the right people about them. They seemed very understanding and knew the laws when I called so all being well the nest will be safe, otherwise I shall have to fight them off :)