Cornish Barn Owls 2018 (C) Barn Owl Trust & Wildlife TV ... all pics/vids posted with their kind permission!

Happy New Year everyone!

Great start with lovely captures of our pair ... but mighty strange about that 'third' one ... maybe a late 'first footer'  Lol!

Good to have some colour Scylla, hope you are continuing to improve!

Gales seem to be a bit of a fixture just lately, another blow overnight promised here, stay safe all!


 2013 photos & vids here

eff37 on Flickr

  • Thanks Wendy!

    21:05 I can hear movement but nothing on show yet

    21:07 Both are under the box, where the ladders used to be

    21:12 One behind, one below the box. The one behind then flew out, the other one flew up to the top of the box and then left the barn


    21:17 One back in, under the box again

    21:19 Onto the top

    Then the tray

    And out

    21:45 Rasping and then one flew in, on the tray and flew back out again. It continuing to call nearby and I think there was a food delivery.

    21:48 One in and to the back ledge, I can't tell if it's eating but there are occasional rasps

    21:51 He's out of view but still in the barn (or, I haven't seen him leave!)

    22:01 Louder rasping now

    22:24 Two juveniles food begging, very close

    22:30 Food delivery outside, juvenile brought it in and to the tray. Took it to the left hand side to eat

    22:35 The other juvenile is nearby, more food begging calls outside

    22:41 It's the female juvenile that has eaten in the barn this time

    22:43 She went to the middle beam when she had finished eating

    22:45 She is quiet, he is still calling close to the barn

    23:20 Both are rasping now.  The juvenile male came in, onto the box, and there was a bit of a 'melee' between the pair of them! Both have gone down below the beams but are still calling/squabbling out of view.

    She flew up to him from the beam

    23:23 I have to sign off now, goodnight

  • Morning Wendy and Sandra

    Only one clearly visible on the Back Beam

    Wendy thanks for the video.

    Oh for the joys and excitement of youth.

    Can feel all their energy, bless em.

    Also making a busy evening for you Sandra.

    Update 07.46


  • 19,35 back beam moved to middle.


  • 20:08 Both on view now Kate

    20:51 From the middle beam to the back

    20:54 First one out

    21:03 The other one has gone too

    There have been no food begging calls at all.

    21:13 One came back in, rasping from it now

    21:27 Flew out of the barn. It was calling when it had gone so was still close

    21:29 Silence

    21:38 One calling nearby

    21:57 Both rasping now

    22:10 Back to just the one

    22:15 Both calling

    23:10 One food begging, hoping for a food delivery for it soon. EN/EB Goodnight

  • Thanks for updates Sandra & Kate, still nowt to see in barn & box & still no sound!!!

    So it's goodnight from me too!


     2013 photos & vids here

    eff37 on Flickr

  • Morning Both

    Posting quickly as have other jobs to this one of of our older birds, very still at moment, or is it just me with an early morning fugggg?


    someone else arrived.


  • Good morning Kate and Wendy :)

    8:03 Both still in the same positions

    8:54 Two in the box, I didn't see them come in

    9:02 Pretty...


    They are the juveniles


    9:20 She left the box


    9:30 Both resting and quiet now after some loud rasping while in the box

    I have to run an errand. SYL

  • Lovely Sandra

    11.10 out on the box again then back in.

    Kissy kissy and preen

    found some prey.

    are you just going to play statues?


  • 16.48

    only one just visible on middle beam


  • 18.30 - both in the box. Ian