BBC Springwatch


Well, Springwatch starts again on Monday. I for one am looking forward to it although it has never been the same without Bill Oddie. I have a lovely personal memory of Bill. He was speaking at an event at the NEC in Birmingham and then was signing copies of his new bird book. It was lovely to meet him face to face. He was very shy but charming. 

I live just up the road from Martin Mere WWT and I love it when the programme comes from there - so many familiar sights. I hope it returns there before too long.


  • Hi All

    Another springwatch comes to an end all too quickly. I have to admit of all the wonderful facts they gave us the one that sticks in my mind is that Chris Packham is 49 !

    Does anyone have the right to look that young at his age..............


  • Anonymous
    Anonymous 18/06/2010 05:20 in reply to Robert

    Hi Robert

    Yes, I love Springwatch, like you, and plan my day to see it. 

    Chris is just a youngster and Kate Humble is 41 years so they are two youngsters together.

    I think it is just luck if you look younger than your true years.

    Never mind the older you get the wiser you become, and that is a true fact to chew over anytime.


    Kathy and Dave

  • Well that's another year's Springwatch over *is sad*

    I have truly enjoyed it and have learned so much from it - and boy how I wished it would go on for another week at least.  Big Brother goes on for what, 2 months on Channel 4.  Springwatch is far more interesting!

    I met up with a lady on the walkway when I was walking Bobby and we just talked Springwatch and nature, while watching Swallows fly over.  It was fantastic!  People don't know what they're missing at times in my opinion.

    I'm a lousy bird spotter I feel, so to watch the bird race was really interesting.  I'd have probably got 10, lol!

    I did catch the bit about the Sparrows, Linda.  I found it very sad and fascinating that at one point House Sparrows used be in such abundance and flock like the pigeons do in many cities.  We really must do more to help them, they're a national treasure in my eyes.

    Wishing the year away I know, but I just cannot wait for Autumnwatch to find out how those Sparrowhawk chicks got on - they were gorgeous!  Who'd have thought that those cute little bundles of fluff would turn into those menacing-eyed back woodland and garden killers! 

  • Anonymous
    Anonymous 21/06/2010 05:11 in reply to Paul E

    Well, that's it. End of Springwatch, Unsprung and now Wild Night In has just finished. I've been left feeling very sad and troubled, but with hope in my heart that if people can raise half a million pounds in the short time that WNI was broadcast, then perhaps there is a solution to this heartbreaking situation where species are becoming extinct almost as we watch.

    Springwatch showed us the wonders and miracles of our own wildlife in the UK and Unsprung and WNI made us think about our impact on the wider world- both for good and bad.

    I was a bit uncomfortable with the 'Pudsey' type fundraising style of WNI but I suppose something has to be done to get people to wake up and do something. Donating money is a very good start.

    Sorry to rant but I'm sure others here will agree with what I'm saying and probably express it better too.



  • Pip,

    I'm sure that everyone will agree that you can switch your rant mode on at any time as we all agree with you. Well, speaking for myself anyway.

    It was great to see the half million mark reached!
    I also feel a bit down now that it has all finished but will look forward to the next one with eagerness. There's also a full Summer of wildlife watching! And you get to read all my reports! Wait, come back, come back...... :)

    <rant mode on>

    I also have to say that again I was very saddened to hear at the start of WNI of all the problems that the natural world species has. Mainly from our doing. All our money will help but it is the guys that are really in charge that will ultimately decide how it all progresses. I am a bit of a cynic and I don't hold out too much hope. But......

    <rant mode off>


  • Bit of a late reply but really enjoyed this series (even though i missed the first 'unsprung'!). Roll on Autumnwatch!

    Make the boy interested in natural history if you can; it is better than games [Robert Falcon Scott]