A few from the weekend....

Started off by going to Venus Pool after work on Friday. Was chatting to some friends about a bittern that had spent the previous winter there. None of us could remember when it first arrived. Not 10 minutes later, a brown bird flew up into a tree, sending the gulls in all directions! Buzzard? No! It was bittern!!!! By this time, the sun had basically set so the photo is dreadful! But it's a record!

Decided to return early Saturday morning, but although still there, (s)he had hidden up in the reeds!! The goldfinches feeding in the teasels more than made up for it!

Later that day, I was out with family and we passed 3 fields with several (around 30) buzzards, crows and gulls worming! I stopped and took a few pics. This one has 4 buzzards on the ground and 1 flying (bit small to see)

a closer view of one of the buzzards.

Then Sunday afternoon, I returned to Wood Lane. Had made my first visit the week before and had seen a polecat but not managed a photo! Determined to 'capture' it, I arrived at the hide about 3.00 pm and at 4.45, a bit of moving grass caught my eye. Dark fur confirmed it! So I waited until it finally popped its head up! I squeaked (I was alone in the hide) and it looked in my direction and sniffed the air, then went on about its business!


I watched it for some time, mostly just catching the odd glimpse of dark fur in the grass... A while later however, it reappeared and flushed a rabbit out of the reeds! I only just managed to snap quick enough to capture it.... The rabbit got away!

What a weekend!!

"All weeds are flowers, once you get to know them" (Eeyore)

My photos on Flickr

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  • Super photos MarJus. That last action shot is wonderful as it's something one could wait a lifetime and never be lucky enough to see, let alone capture on camera. Overall it sounds as though, like us, you had a busy and fruitful weekend.

    The necessity of bird-watching is a really good reason for avoiding all forms of housework.

    The dust will still be there tomorrow - the birds may not be!

  • Thanks Squirrel! I can't tell you how excited I was to see the polecat again! Let alone photograph it!! Such a beautiful little animal! There have been lots of reports of mink sightings at that reserve, but none of polecat... so I wonder if people have thought it to be a mink??

    Please do tell us about your weekend too!

    "All weeds are flowers, once you get to know them" (Eeyore)

    My photos on Flickr

  • Beautiful photographs, I love the goldfinches.

  • Great pictures - and well spotted, seeing the bittern in the twilight - well done and thanks.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Hi MarJus

    Absolutely wonderful!  You have been busy.  They are all fantastic shots.  I can't believe you get buzzards like that on a field where you can see them so easily - is this always the case where you are or just a lucky day?  The goldfinch shots are superb as is the polecat and rabbit  (glad he got away tho!). 

  • Wow! some very special moments. Love that Double Goldfinch shot, Brilliant stuff! Thanks for sharing.


    For viewing or photography right place right time is everything. I'd rather be in the right place with poor kit than have the best kit and be in the wrong place.

  • Great photos.   Would love to see a polecat.

    All I ask is the chance to prove that money can't make me happy.
    Spike Milligan

  • Marjus, that was certainly some weekend. Love the polecat chasing the rabbit and the bittern photographs. My favourite, like John, is of the two goldfinches. Thank you. 

  • Hi Marjus - read your post when we got in this evening - we had been to Polemere instead of Venus Pool this week as they were working on the new hides last week and there were very few birds to be seen because fo the lorry movement.  Wrong decision again!  Too tired to go back out but will have a look probably tomorrow to see if its still in residence.  Smashing photographs.    I very often work week ends so rarely have anything to report until Monday at the earliest - we did see lots of Shovelers today many of which hadn't moulted out yet and were very hard to identify but once they popped theirs heads up their beaks gave them away. 

  • Pleased that you all enjoyed them as much as I did taking them! Was so happy to see the polecat again as you just never know! The previous Sunday's sighting could have been a one off! Will certainly be going back to see if I can get some better shots of it!

    That's a shame Lucy. Not been to Polemere (yet!). I tend to go to Venus either evening or early morning when the work has stopped! Hope it will be finished soon although it will be good to have the new hide at disposal! I didn't see it but there was a whopper swan for a couple of days at Venus too!

    Kezmo, I have seen buzzards 'worming' like it before and have seen anything up to a dozen down in a field but this was rather exceptional (for me at least) to see quite so many! The best sighting however was in France many years ago towards the central western side, we passed a field with about 50 buzzards on the ground!! That was really amazing! Alas we were going somewhere so didn't have time to stop... (didn't have a digital camera in those days either!!)

    "All weeds are flowers, once you get to know them" (Eeyore)

    My photos on Flickr

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