It was an early rise today 27/09/09 and hopefully a chance to see large numbers of Pink feet at my local!
They where already there waiting (typical). at first I could only hear them. But then!
Small numbers at first.
Before too long the sky was full.
Scanning the flocks, brought a wee bonus two Barnacles and a What? well thats the question, a cross/freak
of some sort or something else? Any and all help welcomed.
I kept track for a while and hear are a few shots to help.
Back to the main thread! Vane Farm, at this and indeed any time of year, is highly recommended.
It is quite a sight.
I will be returning during their winter stay and will try to keep this going. Again all help welcomed!
For viewing or photography right place right time is everything. I'd rather be in the right place with poor kit than have the best kit and be in the wrong place.
Just have to comment once again John. You really do have a wonderful talent when photographing birds. Thank you.
Fantastic photos John! Hopefully I'll be going to Vane Farm (for the first time) either tomorrow or Tuesday.
Millie & Fly the Border Collies