Visiting Forfar Loch

We're not too far from Forfar in Angus and often take a drive over for a walk around the loch there, it's a great walk and there's loads of bird life in and around the water, if there's a downside, the birds are usually way out in the middle, out of range for phone pics and only just in range for my lenses. I did buy a super-zoom bridge Canon a while back but it needs to be very steady, in good light and I've yet to get what I call a good shot from it.

If you've never been, Forfar is a decent sized town with plenty shops and cafes that is suffering the same downturn as most of our towns but is managing to stay attractive enough to visit. 

There's a mobile camp site right next to the loch with public toilet block and great looking kiddies playground. There's a fabulous little community garden which sells plants just a short walk away - Forfar open garden

Back-headed gull on the loch

Herring gulls on the loch

There's a loop walk right around the entire loch with a community orchard, Witches memorial, bird feeders and information posts.

Oystercatchers and Gadwall - across the other side, of course 

Gadwall on the water

There are quite often rarity reports coming in, I usually manage to miss them Disappointed

It was this Cormorant photo that lead me to learn they come in many shapes and shades.

These were taken back in April of this year and we all know what April is known for!

These were taken from one of several viewing huts, similar to those found on golf courses, handy for a wee picnic Smile or to shelter in Laughing

Our next trip across was in July, seems a long gap but we probably went elsewhere in between.

Nice selection of gulls.

I do remember this was a glorious day and we took ages to drift all the way round, stopping off by the wee sailing club.

Bullfinch at the sailing club

Mrs BF kept out of range.


There are lots of Little Grebes around at this time of year.

Quite a few Little Grebe chicks around too.


I can't remember getting shots of these chicks before.

There are also quite a few Great Crested Grebes out there, I was surprised at how many pairs and several youngsters.

Bonus Little Grebe in that shot.

I had to scramble deep into a reed bed to get these shots, not near enough to disturb them but I was surprised there was one big chick and the bird was still sitting, another brood?

A different pair, with a chick on board.

I've always wanted to get good closeup shots of GCG with chicks, still hoping.

There are also a lot of Mallard on the loch and it was awash with young.

Mute Swans galore out there, I lost count at fifty!

Mute Swan males posturing, no feathers were hurt! 

Mute Swan fluff pile with attendant Coot and Moorhen, lots of their chicks around too but I couldn't get any shots.

So that was July 2nd, a glorious hot stroll around, the fruit wasn't ready in the orchard yet either, loads of Apples and Plums.... next time.

We were back on the 13th of that month, my sister also lives in Forfar so depends when she is free for a visit sometimes too.

Now and again you get to see a few different birds here.

Osprey cruising over the loch.

Great Crested Grebe with a catch.

A sleeping Grebe collective.

Aha! Got a Moorhen chick.

Loads of Magpies all around the loch, we don't get them at home ..... yet. There are Crows and rooks all around and fields full of rabbits on the North side but I often meet a couple who walk there a lot and the lady has seen Otters several times, more morning visits may be required? Thinking

So, up to date with visits to Forfar Loch, I'll try to keep my eyes open for alerts more often and just get over there but as I said before, it can be difficult getting access to a shot, we'll see. 

Forfar Loch Country Park